Chapter 4

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Shubh seemed to disappear immediately after the class, and as crazy as it may sound, Ashi actually said, "Let's go quickly; let's follow him."

"You're mad or what?" Riya gave Ashi a stern look, which she understood, and sat down. "Come with me; I know a much better place to be."

The girls went down to the canteen, where both Yash and Ansh were waiting for her.

Upon seeing another gorgeous girl with his friend, Ansh, being the gentleman he is, got up and greeted them, "And who might this beauty be?"

"Forgot so soon, Ansh? Your good old friend." Riya said she was making funny faces at him and took her seat next to Yash.

"She's my friend, Ashi," she announced after Ansh, so visibly happy, took a seat next to Ashi.

"But it's just your first day?" Yash asked in confusion.

"And?" Right, that was a stupid question to ask from someone as sociable as Riya, whose charm alone was more than enough to make people attracted to her, which always troubled Yash for some reason.

While they were busy chattering and getting to know Ashi, which Ansh took a very particular interest in, Ashi's eyes wandered, and it was like she finally found the thing that she had been looking for ever since she sat there. "Look, Ri, it's Shubh, isn't it?"

"Oh yeah, I guess

"He really does look good in his side profile."

"You are right indeed."

Yash, already quite annoyed, couldn't hold back his next sentence, "Who's Shubh?"

Riya wasn't stupid enough to not know what Yash's irritation meant; she was a bit relieved.

"He's in our class." Before Riya could complete her sentence, Ashi jumped in with excitement.

"He's the eye candy of our class with such a divine figure, and do you know the best part? He came and sat right beside  Riya. Oh, to have her luck."

Ansh couldn't hide her jealousy, but he didn't even try to say, "More good-looking than me?"

"Huh, duh, man, that goes without saying," Ashi replied, rolling her eyes.

Yash's emotions were unreadable. He got up and tapped Ansh on the shoulder. "I have to go; I have some work." 

Ansh took a piece of sandwich from Ashi while teasing and followed Yash, "What's the matter?" 

"It's nothing... We are getting late for class. Let's go."

While with the girls, Ashi was quite astounded to meet this group.

"What's with this Phineas and Ferb duo?"

"Haha.....Yash has always been kind of a nonverbal creature. But that aside, you tell me you got something going on here with our Phineas here?"

"Nah girl, these immature boys are not my type... I like men like Shubh, you know."

"Yeah, yeah, I know very well."

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