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This info is from Wikipedia and Google:

Queerplatonic relationships (QPR) and queerplatonic partnerships (QPP) are committed intimate relationships which are not romantic in nature. They may differ from usual close friendships by having more explicit commitment, validation, status, structure, and norms, similar to a conventional romantic relationship. The concept originates in aromantic and asexual spaces in the LGBT community. Like romantic relationships, queerplatonic relationships are sometimes said to involve a deeper and more profound emotional connection than typical friendship.

Queerplatonic relationships were originally created for women to cohabitate and live together. They are usually committed to one another and can also be committed to others, as in consensual, non-monogamous relationships. The rules around the relationship are defined together in ways that honor what each partner needs.

My personal experience with QPRs:

I'm currently in a QPR with my gf, QPRs are non-romantic and non-sexual relationships, sometimes considered friendship, in my personal experience, my girlfriend and i don't kiss, we only hold hands, hug, and go on dates, we're both aroace and had become friends over that, she told me about QPRs and we talked about them, and how we would both be open to one, which leads to now, over a year together :3 anyways, to me, QPRs are like any other relationship I assume, but with more boundaries, like take me for example, I don't like kissing, neither does my girlfriend, that doesn't mean if another person was in a QPR they don't have to kiss, what I'm saying is no QPRs are the same, it's what YOU and your partner are comfortable with, if you want to be just friends in a QPR that's fine, if you consider each other partners that's also okay! Everyone's experience is different.

Also sorry if this isn't helpful- I couldn't find much info on Google about them :/ also I wrote this at like 2 am

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