(Chapter 8)Red crimson tears...

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The moment when Paimon said that Y/n looked at them both so surprised about meeting her for some reason at the same time then looked at Amber with a shrunk, confused face then looked at both of the two people at the same time.

Y/n: "... Of what? I only just got here."

Paimon narrowed her eyes at Y/n, looking at her with suspicion now that she'd gotten her story wrong.

Paimon: "Don't lie to us! Paimon knows there was no one else here a moment ago... So you must have been hiding and listening in on our conversation! How long were you there for?"

Aether nodded in agreement with Paimon's accusation, also seeming a little hesitant towards Y/n now.

Y/n: "Oh that? Maybe I just heard that when I was walking heading to Mondstadt, But I saw Amber was talking to others I felt curious so I went to check on Amber to have a moment."

She said to look at Amber that she had overheard them from a distance away because the loudest voice could be heard from afar.

Y/n: "Even the loudest voice can be heard in distance or inches apart."

Amber also nods in affirmation to Y/n's explanation, having heard and seen everything herself.

Amber: "That's right... Even if Paimon's voice carried quite a bit, so it's easy to hear it even from far away... Sorry for my small companion's rude attitude."

Paimon pouts and tugs on Amber's cape sleeve in a demanding and insistent manner, as if trying to prove that Y/n had indeed been eavesdropping on the pair of them.

Y/n: "Amber? They don't seem like they know what they're doing what are they doing or are they lost?"

Y/n asked them feeling a little worried for some reason that had happened on a moment as when she was having a moment on time before she got here and met them for the first time.

Amber nods slightly in response to Y/n's question, looking over to Aether and Paimon with a slight hint of annoyance.

Amber: "Ah... They're just looking for their missing twin sister, like I said before... They've been doing this for a while now, searching for her in every region of Teyvat. I don't think they've made much progress, unfortunately."

Y/n: "Really? Then we'll help them out and make some missing posters but who knows how to draw an image? May that could bring something?"

Y/n had thought about painting a picture from the image as she slowly looked at Both of them they seemed to know how to fight as well and for a moment they had thought of it.

Y/n: "I'll try to paint a picture just tell me what she looked like so I can do it on a missing poster."

Amber paused to consider the possibility of searching for missing people by making a portrait of what they looked like. It was an intriguing suggestion that Y/n had brought up.

Amber: "That's a brilliant idea, Y/n! That could hopefully help bring up some clues as to the missing child's whereabouts... As for her appearance..."

Amber looked at Aether and Paimon for a bit before turning back to Y/n.

Amber: "I believe the missing girl is described as a young girl, and she has short blonde hair and Yellow gold eyes."

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