(Chapter 5) Moonlight...

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As the fun begins with all the things had gathered together by them they all smile and then have the time to move on the time of the place Y/n and Lance are feeding cats on food while Klee and Diona are gathered at the cat being had in the time of the place.

Diona and Klee were patiently waiting for Y/n and Lance to finish their desserts before they went over to pet and feed the cats at the tavern.

Klee was especially excited and could barely contain her eagerness as she chatted with Diona, counting the moments before she was finally able to go play with the cats.

After what they had gathered together in the cats' tavern they had fun playing with the cats with sticks and toy fishing while they were talking and having a conversation inside the room full of cats and they heard the noise of the cats that gathered the place while having a moment on time.

Diona and Klee watched as Y/n and Lance enjoyed the afternoon with the cats at the tavern. They were playing with the cats using toy fishing rods and sticks, which the feline residents seemed to enjoy.

Klee chatted cheerfully with Diona as she watched the scene unfold before her. While she waited, she was glad to have some company.

Diona replied jokingly, "Looks like they're having a great time. Cats are simple creatures, but they can be very entertaining to watch."

Y/n sat down on the floor and patted the cat's head and then scratched it gently on its ears she smiled happily at the same time and patted on the head while having the most memorable moments with the people around and the cats As for the two kids Klee and Diona were playing with the cat's exile Lance was feeding the cats that keep waiting to give them treats.

Diona and Klee both watched the affectionate scene between Y/n and the cat with fond expressions.

Diona smiled fondly as she saw Y/n patting the cat and scratching its ears. She could tell that Y/n was enjoying the animal company, and the cat was enjoying the attention and affection Y/n was showing.

Klee giggled as she saw how much Y/n was pampering the cat. She added happily, "It looks like Y/n and the cat have bonded."

Diona could see that Y/n was patting the cats as Y/n smiled brightly each time at the moment that had happened and Diona agreed with Klee while they were playing with the cats at the same time.

While Y/n and the cat shared an adorable moment, Diona and Klee were enjoying some playful cat interactions of their own. They were having a good time petting and playing with the adorable furry residents at the tavern.

Klee had a particular fondness for cats and would always stop to pet or cuddle with any cat in her vicinity. She loved how soft and cute they were, and they could always brighten her day.

Diona could relate to Klee's affection for cats she also felt a great fondness for them, and she was always happy to spend time with them.

As everyone was playing at the Cat's Tavern Y/n remembered something and Then said.

Y/n: "Umm Klee I had a question If you don't mind something about it?"

She said while remembering something. Klee quickly looked up from playing with the cat she was interacting with and replied to Y/n with a mischievous smirk on her face.

The rare Moon Vision holder (Genshin impact rare light element.)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ