(Chapter 2) Moments...

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At home, Y/n was in her room looking at the vision right in front of her and her windows were opened which means the wind could get inside her room at any time to take some fresh air when she was looking for too long her door had knocked at her mother vision she had heard she's calling her name then she couldn't think but said.

Y/n: "Mom... You can come in now."

Y/n's mother walks into the room, looking a little worried.

Mother: "Y/n, I just wanted to make sure you were alright after today's events. Things got pretty wild there for a moment, and I just want to make sure you're okay."

She walks over to Lancy and looks at her, concerned. She is just a mother making sure her child is safe and healthy, nothing more.

Y/n: "... Mom, I... I'm alright. I just need to know why it happened... I know that things can be like this, so I only need to understand what I have to do."

She said to her in nodded her head in understanding that she was right but for her sake, only the view people know she's a light element holder her parents and Wagner are in the place.

Her mother nods her head, understanding that Y/n is alright, and she's just trying to understand what happened.

Mother: "It's okay, Y/n. You don't need to worry about why it happened. Sometimes, things are just like that, and it's best to accept it and move on. Just keep practising and get familiar with your Vision. The more comfortable you are, the more control you'll have over it."

Y/n: "... Mom... I know Brother Lance had a first vision before me... What do you feel about him I'd he had his vision before he joined as a Knight of Favonius like Dad not only that they both have a responsibility as well to do so."

Her mother looks back at Y/n with a sympathetic expression.

Mother: "Lance was first before you, yes, but that doesn't mean he should be looked upon any higher than you. My love for you both is the same, and I'm proud of both of you for the paths you've chosen. And yes, I know that both you and him must uphold, but please know that I will support you through any of those challenges. Just keep practising and keep trying to understand your Vision."

Y/n: "... One goal one life... I know it's not safe but at least I had to try or I'll never know what it feels like so... I know Mr Wagner is very well to this event so I had thought I'd be able to see through myself as a light element vision as a moon welder..."

She said then the moon outside her room illuminated as she could see it was a light element that couldn't be understood by others like herself for now.

Y/n: "What does a moon element do of this for?"

Her mother's expression softens, impressed by Y/n's determination to understand her Vision.

Mother: "Well, the moon element can be very powerful, and it's one of the four rare elements. It can be used to manipulate light and moonlight, and you can even summon a moon-shaped weapon to attack and defend. It can be a very versatile element, and can even be used to manipulate time to some extent."

She smiles at Y/n, proud of her daughter for striving to understand her Vision.

Mother: "You have a rare talent, my sweet child."

The rare Moon Vision holder (Genshin impact rare light element.)Where stories live. Discover now