Chapter 1: I will miss you..

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April 29, 2019
Aarav was sitting on his chair, with a laptop on his study table. He was nervously shaking his legs, his head pounding with tension. Aarav was an 18-year-old tall guy with rectangular spectacles and curly hair. He didn't have any vibe of the Gen-Z culture and was more of a nerd. He had prepared well for his engineering entrance exams and today he was desperately waiting for his results.
Knock! Knock!
Enters Dhanashree. She came in and smiled at Aarav's mom and exclaimed, "Hi aunty ! Where's Aarav ? Didnt he got his results today ?"
To which Aarav's mom replied by taking a long breath, "He is sitting in his room, anxiously waiting for his results and is not allowing anyone inside."
Dhanashree smiled and said,"Hmm, I see. Nevermind aunty, relax. I will see to him."
Dhanshree had a charming,friendly and calm nature. She was studying in the same year with Aarav but their subjects were different. Dhanashree was Aarav's childhood friend. Dhanashree's and Aarav's fathers were business partners. Dhanashree and aarav grew up listening to her fathers fictional stories but who knew that their friendship would be creating a story soon...
Dhanashree entered Aarav's room and saw him staring anxiously at the enter button. She walked and stood behind him and closed his eyes, Aarav thought she was her mom. He railed, "Mom didn't i told you not to come in ? I don't want you to see any unwanted result."
To which he got some whispers, "Everything would be good man, u have prepared well."
Aarav recognized the voice, he turned back and took a breath "Ahh, its you. I was wondering how my mom's hands got so soft."
Dhanashree jumped on the bed besides Aarav's table and kept staring at Aarav and his laptop. She increased her vocals and said, "Are you just gonna check out your laptop the whole day, it didn't got an ass dude. Come on click on the enter button." Aarav didn't replied.
She moved towards Aarav, held his hands and said, "Aarav, you are just kinda overreacting before you even saw your results. Why don't you first check your damn results. Come on dude you are champ, believe in yourself..."
Aarav nodded to her and moved his fingers towards his keyboard's enter button.
He took a long breath and
Aarav's boring face turned into a big smile, he started beaming at Dhanashree and exclaimed, "Dhanashree !!! I did it, my hardwork paid off, Finally got some peace after 2 years !!" And he fell on the bed.
Dhanashree was delighted with the results too, she exclamied, "I knew it, come on go and tell your mom that her taunts regarding your studies are finally getting over."
Today was ofcourse a great day for Aarav, everyone was happy for him.
To celebrate this happiness, Dhanashree planned a treat for Aarav with some of his good friends which also included Dhanashree's bestest friend Vinita.
Evening 10 pm,
Dhanashree gathered all the friends together at the roof of her apartment. The roof had colourful lights, a table full of snacks and soft drinks.
Everyone was waiting for Aarav and in a while, Aarav entered the place in a maroon jacket with a good messy hairstyle and surprisingly he didn't wore his glasses...
Dhanashree's eyes shined seeing him. Aarav never focused this much on himself, today he was looking stunning.
He walk towards his friends, his friends congratulated him and some gifted him things such as a watch, a pen and more good stuffs.
When Aarav finally came to Dhanashree she was lost somewhere in her thoughts. He snapped his fingers towards Dhanashree and she came back to reality.
Aarav asked, "Where were you ?"
Dhanashree exclamied, "No where.... but dude you are looking great today. But where are your binoculars ?"
Aarav filled two glasses of soft drinks and replied, "Ahh,I lost them in the bedroom and I don't know where it is."
Gives a glass of soft drink to Dhanashree.
He continued, "You have arranged such a nice party, thanks a lott."
"Ohh my pleasure topper, I like it when you are happy.",says Dhanashree with a blink.
Soon after this short coversation, Vinita came up with some games and everyone joined her. Everyone enjoyed this moment which was refreshing for all the guys from the stress of the studies.
It was 12 by now, everyone started leaving with a warm goodbye and soon the party ended.
Now, it was just the lights, a messy table and two friends staring at the stars.
Aarav asked, "Dhanashree, who's gonna clean this mess up ?"
Dhanashree replied, "Ofcourse me, I ain't got any maid to do it."
Aarav walked to the table and picked up a glass saying, "Lets do it together, come on."
Dhanashree nodded and said, "Okay, Sure."
Aarav picked up a broom and a big polythene bag. He gave the broom to Dhanashree saying, "I will pick up the glasses and other stuff and you clean up the table."
Dhanashree took the broom and started cleaning the table.
Aarav picked up some soft drinks bottles and said, "Thanks a lott dude."
Dhanashree moved to Aarav and replied,  "Ugh, you already thanked me."
Aarav kept the polythene at a corner and slowly moved towards her and by tucking her loose hair strands at the back of her ear he said, "I mean... thank you for supporting me, not only today but also everyday and maybe the reason behind my good results is only you."
Dhanashree looked down and replied with a smile, "Umm...Even you helped me alott in making decisions. We keep sorting each others problems in life without taking any fees. We got a good vibe together and that's why our bond is so amazing. See its already 1, time just flies when we are together."
Aarav said with a smile, "Yaa lets complete this work and reach our respective home."
Dhanashree nodded and both cleaned up the roof in a few minutes.
Aarav looked at his watch and said, "I should be leaving now its late."
"Yaa, come I will drop you downstairs.", said Dhanshree.
Both started walking downstairs and reached out of the building.
Dhanashree gave Aarav a smile saying, "I hope i made your day."
Aarav took out his hands from his pockets saying, "Yess u did, cleaning up the roof was the best part."
Both chuckled.
Aarav moved a little forward and took Dhanashree in his arms. Dhanashree closed her eyes and both flew with the cold wind in the air.
A night full of stars and two friends adoring each other can be called their best memory.
*Phone rings*
Aarav took out his phone, it was her mom. He said, "Okay Dhanshree, my bell rang I should go home now, have a good night." picks up the call.
Dhanashree nodded and gave him a Hi-fi.
Both smiled at each other and left the place.
It was 3 am,
Dhanashree was staring at the fan thinking, 'Its not the first time that Me and Aarav have hugged then why did it felt so special today. It just felt like not getting away from him. Did he had a good smell today ? Maybe yess ..... Or maybe I am just making up shits.'
Dhanashree got a smile sticked to her face and finally she fell asleep.
On the other side,
Aarav was also sitting on his sofa playing games on his t.v, he started getting glimpses of the time he spent with Dhanashree, Her hair strands and her pretty ocean like eyes. Though Aarav didn't felt anything for her but today their was a fragrance of devotion in the air.
Things started getting normal again from the next day. Dhanashree and Aarav never came up with topic which was running through their mind the whole night.
Days were passing and things were going as usual between them but all of a sudden, Aarav started avoiding Dhanashree, he stopped picking up her calls, stopped meeting her and no one knew the reason behind Aarav's suspicious behaviour... Was he hiding something ? Was he feeling uncomfortable ? Did Aarav felt something bad that night ? Many questions were crossed Dhanashree's mind, but she couldn't find an answer. If she reaches Aarav's home, he would be busy doing some work or won't be present at home.
Dhanashree was getting very much disturbed from this, so she decided to talk to anyone who is a good listener and gives her a solution.
Dhanashree took her phone out and ran to the balcony and called Vinita.
Vinita picked up her call, "Heyy Dhanashree, I am at my lectures I will call you back later."
"No !! No !! Vinita, I need your help.", says Dhanashree in a hesitating voice.
Vinita soon came out of her classroom by giving an excuse.
She put the Phone back to her ears and said, "What happened ? Are you good ?"
Dhanashree took a breath and replied, "Aarav is avoiding me since some days, I dont know the reason behind his shitty behaviour and that is why i thought.... It would be good having a word with you."
Vinita took a minute to reply, "May be he didn't liked anything during the party night, did you guys had any argument after i left ?"
Dhanashree replied, "No ! We cleaned the roof and had a very nice conversation and infact he hugged me."
"Don't you think you both are more than just friends Dhanashree ?", questioned Vinita in a low voice.
Dhanashree had no expressions she didn't understood anything so she starting yelling, "No dude, I am getting what you are trying to say but thats not the point."
Vinita bite her lips and smiled saying,"If there's no affection between you guys then why did you started yelling at me ? And why do you get affected if a guy is avoiding you ?" Dhanashree was in a deep thought she didnt replied.
Vinita continued, "Listen Dhanshree, I don't know about Aarav but I know you more than your own mom. Its not wrong falling for your bestfriend, it has its own vibe."
"But what about him ? Maybe he is not feeling the same for me.",said Dhanshree hesitating.
"Just go and ask him dude. What if he feels the same for you but is afraid of confessing to you. I have seen his eyes adoring you. You just have to make the first move.", Vinita smiled amd continued, "And then maybe your relationship would be more important and more beautiful."
Dhanashree was fighting many questions in her head, she agreed that she has place for Aarav in her heart and she loves him more than just a friend. But she was still hesitating to confess her words infront of Aarav.
"Hello ? Dhanashree, you alive ?", Vinita was still on the call.
Dhanashree asked, "What if he is not thinking the same as me ?"
Vinita rolled her eyes saying, "You both are so close dude. You never hesitated to tell anything to him, then why are you thinking so much for this ?", she took a breath and continued, "If things didn't go according to you, then you are already very good friends you can still continue your friendship, atleast it would be clear and maybe Aarav will also tell you the reason behind his suspicious behavior."
Dhanashree waited a Second and said,"Its hard to be just friends with someone you fell in love with."
Vinita replied, "But it would not stop you from falling for him, it will ruin your friendship as well."
Dhanashree said,"Yaa I get you but..."
Vinita interrupted, "What if he feels the same but doesn't confess to you because he thinks it would ruin your friendship and maybe this would be the reason he is avoiding you."
This was the Ahha moment for Dhanshree.
Dhanashree was clear now, to say Aarav what ever she feels and it won't ruin their Friendship.
Dhanashree started thinking about how to ask him out, when Vinita said, "Okay, my mam caught me. You dont worry I would be coming to your place this evening and lets discuss about your heart. Byee", she ended the call.
Dhanashree walked to her drawing room and sat on the sofa.
As Both of her parents got a job, she was alone at her house. She kept on thinking about her decision of confessing to Aarav. She relived her memories with him in her mind.
It was the first time Dhanashree's mouth was shut and she didn't moved from her place from past few hours.
It was her first time to get attracted towards any guy. 'It was her first love and First romance, first love, is something so special to all of us, both emotionally and physically, that it touches our lives and enriches them forever.'
The sun started setting now and Dhanashree was still lost in her thoughts and someone knocked at her door slowly.
Dhanashree came out of her world and took a breath, and walked towards the door.
She opened the door saying, "Hii...Vini.."
Dhanashree was stunned for a moment.
It was not Vinita at the door, it was Aarav with a box of chocolates in his hands.
He waved at her saying, "hii."
Dhanashree started seeing here and there but didnt looked at Aarav, she called him inside and made him sit.
Aarav found his comfort at the sofa and Dhanashree had her seat besides Aarav.
Dhanashree kept reminding herself to 'be normal', 'be normal'.
Their was a heaviness in the air.
Aarav looked at Dhanashree and smiled a bit and asked, "Where is your mom ?"
Dhanashree smiled in return and replied, "She's in kitchen." Looks at the kitchen and hits her hand, "No ! No! She is at the office ... Yaa office."
Aarav said, "Okay, office ... Yeahh ofcourse." moved aside and regreted his question.
Dhanashree asked him, "How did you got time today to meet this girl ? Huh ?"
Aarav bite his tongue and said, "Ahh, yaa actually I wanted to talk about this thing ...its very important." Dhanashree got some smile inside and started remembering her conversation with Vinita.
Dhanashree acted like she can't read his thoughts and said, "Ohh really, even I wanted to say something to you."
Aarav was confused and he replied, "Yaa please do."
Dhanashree was feeling a bit shy so she said Aarav, "You wanted to tell something important, you should say first."
Aarav didn't argued and agreed.
Dhanashree was very excited to hear her thoughts from Aarav's words.
But in life, many things don't go according to expectations....
Aarav gave the box of chocolates to Dhanashree saying, "I am going to bangalore for my further studies. I would be leaving tomorrow, I know you would be getting mad at me for leaving you. But don't worry I would keep calling you and I will also visit you occasionaly."
Dhanashree didn't believed her ears, Her heart got heavy. For her the time was stopped.
Somehow she managed to mask her suffering and she said in a  quavering voice, "Ohh wow dude, I am so happy for you." And took the chocolate box.
Aarav noticed a discomfort on her face, he questioned, "What happened ? Are you mad at me ? I know you maybe mad because i avoided you for so many days. Actually I didn't knew how to say this to you."
Dhanashree nodded her head and said, "Yess, I understand." She knew she can burst anytime into tears soon so she wanted him to leave. She said, "I got a stomach ache, Congratulations.... But I want to take some rest." Saying so she went to the bedroom.
Aarav was confused but still left the place soon.
Dhanashree smashed the door and starting breaking things in her room. She started screaming and weeping on her bed.
She not only lost his love, but also he's bestest friend was leaving him.
She just felt like her heart stopping beating.
On the other side,
Aarav got his bag packed and he was gonna leave the next morning. He tried calling Dhanashree, but no one answered.
The next morning,
Aarav was leaving and kept checking his phone for any call or message but nothing pleased him. He took his bag and sat in the cab. From inside he was totally disturbed but as the time was moving, he left for the station.
Dhanashree was on her bed, with red eyes and disheveled hair, staring at the sun outside from the window. She got a call from the kitchen, it was her mom saying, "Darling, aren't you going to wish Aarav a happy journey ?"
Dhanashree replied, "No mom, I got a headache, I will message him instead."
Dhanashree closed her eyes and fell into sleep which was the only way to get a relief from the pain.
Dhanashree had a lot to say to his friend, but she can't because it was no more just friendship.
Aarav on the other hand boarded his train. And after getting his seat, he messaged Dhanashree, 'I will miss you...'

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