Chapter 3★

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Kanade pov. (I promise there is gonna be a Mafuyu POV soon trust 🙏)

Today when I woke up it felt more peaceful.

Or perhaps that is just because I went to sleep earlier than usual.

I took another look at my pocket watch.

I have 7 minutes until I have to get out of bed and get ready.

Maybe I should spend this time thinking about Prince Mafuyu.

Not in a weird way or anything, but more in an admiration type of way.

Maybe he can teach me how to use a bow and arrow, or maybe he can show me what he does daily.

Time Skip to breakfast

I started to make my way through the hall down to the kitchen.

Everything sure seemed boring as of right now.

"Pst, Kanade, over here!"

Who said that?

I quickly turn in the direction of the voice only to see a familiar face.


hello there

Prince Tsukasa."

Bet you weren't expecting that were you😏

"Have you already met Mafuyu?" The blonde boy asked.

"Not yet, but I am supposed to during breakfast and then for the rest of the week," I explained

"Well just a heads up, you gotta keep a close eye on him. He's pretty mysterious but I'm sure if anyone's gonna get through him it's you!"


How could it be me?

"Alright, whatever you say. But how did you get inside the castle?"

"Uhh Rui sorta...launched me over he-"

"W h a t."


I quickly covered his mouth, he was being way too loud and someone might've walked in.

Say, how did no one notice a flying prince in the air?

Unless no one really cared.

But how could no one care?

I'm just losing it, aren't I?

"First of all, you have to be more quiet, secondly I gotta sneak you out before anyone finds you."

He nodded his head and quickly scrambled out of the hole he was in.

"You have no idea how terrible it was being stuck in that wall."

I quickly hid him behind me and looked for a window.

"Ah, over there, that window. Once you get out of the building keep on following the path and soon enough you will find a small wooden trapdoor hidden near a tree, use it to escape the barriers that surround the castle."

"Huh? OH, I see it!"

He ran out as fast as he could into the window before I took him by the cape.

"Nuh-uh, you are not breaking a window today, open it."

He groaned as he started to walk to the window instead and hopped away.

I went over and closed the window before getting back on track.

I opened the doors to the kitchen and there he was.

"Hello there, Prince Kanade, very nice to meet you."

He had a charming smile that practically invited me over.

I guess people were right, he is handsome.

"H-hello there Prince Mafuyu."

Geez, despite being so handsome he looked like he could snap all of my bones in a second.

"Haha, no need to be nervous, I promise I won't hurt you."

"Huh? EH? No, no I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to offend you!"

I panicked, it hadn't been a minute yet and I already screwed it up.

"No worries, just come and take a seat."

I reluctantly sat down across from him before taking a bite of breakfast.

Today we had some white bread with some mystery meat.

After taking a bite I opened my mouth hoping to start a conversation.

"What do you think of breakfast today? I like the bread but I have no idea what the meat is."

"Well, I think that the bread is nicely baked and the meat we are eating is fish."

Wow, he even knew what type of meat I eat for breakfast but I don't.

How pathetic of me.

"Let's head out to training now," I suggested

"Hm? But you haven't finished all of your food." He pointed out.

"It's fine, I'm not that hungry anyway."

"Prince Kanade, I ask of you to eat because it may take a toll on your combat skills, so please, take some time to consume this lovely meal."

Why did he have to word it like that? Now I have to eat this or I'll look foolish


I quickly ate the rest of my bread and left a little bit of fish on the plate.

"Alright, I have finished eating, may we go out to train now?"

"Yes, let's go."

The both of us started to walk to the training room. While doing so I noticed something.

He was

Way taller than me.

Well, it made sense in a way because I was just really short.

But still.

"How long have you been sword fighting?" He asked.

"I don't remember, let me see if I can track it back really quick."

I start to trace back from when I first held a sword to now.

Then it hit me,

the very moment I started to practice my sword skills was the very moment my parents died.

Chills spread out around my body,

I felt like just crying right then and there, but he was here.

There was no way I could be so foolish enough to spread my burden towards him.

"Honestly, the most I can remember is 3 years."

"That's great! I've been sword fighting for 5 and a half years now."

He was even more educated in sword fighting than me.

Whoever his princess is, I hope they know they have the best man they could ever ask for.

950 words YEPPERS :3

Kanamafu prince auHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin