Taking Bets

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"I will look for you in every lifetime, until we finally stay

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"I will look for you in every lifetime, until we finally stay."

-butterflies rising

My footsteps felt heavy as I paced the length of the floor in the studio. My stomach swirled with unease and nerves. The boys were supposed to be back fifteen minutes ago. I couldn't help but worry that Caleb had taken them, that they had disappeared leaving Julie and I lost as to how we could help them.

A flash of light pulled my gaze from my feet wearing into the faded blue carpet. As I took in the sight of our three bandmates, the wave of anxiety washed away only to be placed with another, "Oh my gosh! What took you guys so long? Are you okay?"

Without even missing a beat, Julie moved by my side, "Did Willie do it? Did you talk to them? Did they watch? Did they like us? Are we playing? Can someone answer us? Why's no one talking?"

The three ghosts stared at us in surprise. Reggie raised his hands in front of him, looking to Luke and Alex for help, "Woah, that was a lot of questions—Luke, you want to take this one?"

Luke's reassuring gaze met mine as he gave me a nod as if to tell me he was okay—for now anyway. "Take a seat."

A breath pushed past my lips as I moved to sit down on the couch next to Julie. Alex and Reggie sat on the ground in front of us, while Luke approached us, dropping on the couch next to me. His warm shoulder brushed my own as he leaned to glance at Julie and I, "It's fine. Everything is fine."

"Yeah," Alex agreed, pointing to Julie's phone that sat on the coffee table between us. "You should be getting a call right...now!"

The silence was deafening as the five of us stared at Julie's phone. Yet, the screen remained black.

I ran a palm over my face, my gaze darting between the three boys, "Please tell me you wrote her number down right. Luke, you didn't write it, did you? Because if you did, they're probably not going to be able to read it."

Luke elbowed me softly in the side, tilting his head to meet mine, "Ouch, you have no faith in me."

The sides of my lips tilted upward at his pouty lips, "I have faith in you, just not your handwriting. We don't need another repeat of J.J. and the Fat Ones."

A snort escaped Alex's lips, ignoring Luke's glare, "I wrote it, there's no need to worry. Alright... you should be getting the call right... now."

Again the five of us stared down at the phone, but this time, the screen lit up and was flashing with an unknown number. I breathed out a sigh of relief as Julie cheered. Luke wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his chest as he grinned down at me. For a beat, we smiled at each other in relief—at least one part of the plan was going right.

As the phone continued to ring, I pulled my gaze from his hazel eyes, "Julie, you should probably answer the phone."

"Right," my best friend's eyes widened in realization, grabbing the phone. She pressed the answer button, clearing her throat, "Hello!"

"Hi, this is Tasha from the Orpheum in Hollywood. Is this Julie of J.J. and the Phantoms?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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