Blast from the plast

Start from the beginning

When a person lied, their pupils dilate, their heartbeat fastens and the face pales.

Pupils dilating and heart rate fastening are almost impossible to spot. But when the face loses colour, that's spottable. Not so easily done but if someone has a quick eye, it's possible.

And unluckily for Yashraj, Mahaya had that eye.

"Just me." He smiled at her genuinely though he was still nervous.

"Why do you ask?" He asked in confusion.

Mahaya shook her head. He wasn't cheating on her but there was something he was hiding.

"What are you doing in here? Why didn't you go to the party?" She asked as she dried his hair for him.

"Not exactly fond of Rishabh." Yashraj muttered grumpily.

Yashraj couldn't figure out what Tanya saw in him. Tanya was a beautiful, head-strong woman and Rishabh, according to Yashraj, was a douche. Though what he did for Tanya was commendable and impressive.

"So what were you doing?" She asked as she sat on the bed.

"Watched a movie then took a shower. Needed to clear my head." He muttered as he dropped his towel on the couch.

"Alright. I need to check my emails." Mahaya said as she opened up his laptop.

"Go ahead." Yashraj said as he opened up the mini fridge.

Mahaya opened up Chrome to see his Facebook already opened.

Yashraj realised the blunder he made. He rushed to Mahaya, only to see her look at him with shock.

She silently turned the laptop to face him.

Yashraj saw what he expected. Abhishek Verma Facebook page was opened and he was in big, huge, deep sh*t.

"I...I can explain." He stuttered.

"What?" She asked in a tight voice.

"I...I was-" he didn't know what to say.

What was he supposed to say? He was caught, red-handed.

"Curious?" She prompted.

Yashraj nodded hesitantly.

Mahaya sighed and got off the bed.

"I understand." She said as she stood in front of him.

Yashraj blinked twice, not believing what he heard.

"You-you do?"

"Yes. I mean, you were curious and you've been in dark for a long time. And." She looked at him with pride and adornment in her eyes.

"And you were patient, so very calm and mature in this situation. So, I think you do deserve to find out the truth."

Both of them sat down on the floor.

"I had began my LLB, first year. That's when I met Abhishek. He was this nerdy, goofy guy in my class. And the only one to ever outsmart me." Mahaya smiled fondly at the memory.

"You should have seen him. The first day, the professor asked us a question and as usual, I was the first one to answer. And professor happily accepted my answer but Abhishek contradicted me. He challenged it and went as far as to proving that my entire belief system was wrong." Mahaya shook her head softly, smiling to herself.

"I respected him since that moment. I know I intimidate people. I use that to my advantage. But Abhishek never stirred. He always made me know when I was wrong. That's one of the reasons why Tanya loved him too."

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