[C10] Morning

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Jeez- double digit chapters now 😀

Imma be testing more 2nd pov more during this chapter because i tried it once- loved it, so enjoy this test subject of a chapter :) also my apologies this will not be holding the power of dark smut of any smut 🙏 as i've said in a post if i should make shorter chapters for more posting, my limit for short chapters is 400-1000 words for short chapters and this is just at that line for max words so i can post this, again im so sorry! I've been deeply unmotivated for anything including smut (writing it) but reading it is something my hypersexual ass needs to be fed, yk like coal to a train- ugh yeah- enjoy again i apologize 😭😭
Also tell me what you think about this 2nd person POV test 👀 I'm curious to see how much y'all like it, if not I'll go back to the usual!

The alarm from your phone started going off, signaling you to wake up for school, but before you could get up to shut it up, it stopped. Opening your eyes to look over, you saw Evan stop the alarm, “Evan, I gotta go to school” you muttered groggily, sitting up, “Just skip again” he suggested.

As much as you wanted to, you already missed enough school for the school to call your parents, “Yeah well I don't want to” Evan watched you get up from the bed and walk to the closet, grabbing some clothes to change into. “Just one day?” He asked, teleporting next to you, taking hold of your hand gently but firmly.

“I really want to but I need an education sadly to get a job and do shit”, “Drop out of school, I can provide anything you want, anything you please, just stay with me” he said more desperately, holding your hand a little tighter. The look in his eyes didn't show any lies, “I don't know- I mean, it honestly sounds like a nice fairytale but it's a fairytale Evan, this is reality the words came out more poisonous than you intended to sound.

There was a long pause of silence before you pulled your hand away which left the teen frozen by the withdrawal, “6 hours. Just 6 hours a day Evan, the rest-”, “6 hours is too long” he interrupted. You looked at him, seeing he seemed more then just upset, then a thought came up, “Is this just because you wanted to fuck me today?” You asked, which caught him off guard.

“N-no! I wouldn't do that without your consent! I just.. I don't want to be apart from you anymore.. I feel whole when you're with me, but when you're not in my hold I feel incomplete..” he admitted, this little confession was heartwarming and sweet, and cheesey, but you still had a priority he needed to understand. Evan took your hand again, “I won't force anything on you but I really hate being apart from you.. school is just in the way, it takes away our time together”

You nodded, “I know, but it's important to me too, you need to understand it, in my perspective” he only stared at you, obviously many thoughts were racing in his mind, “I don't want to lose you a third time..” Evan said, looking down. Damn he just had to pull that card huh? “I was caught off guard Evan, plus it's a school, populated area”, “I know” you looked at him sternly, he looked almost like a puppy who did something wrong, it was- cute, in a way.

After another long moment, you sighed, putting the clothes back in the closet, “Fine, i'll text Lily i won't be at school today” Evan immediately perked up, “But! I'm not taking the school day off to make out” Evan nodded, understanding, “I promise!” if Evan had a longer tail like a dog it would be wagging till he started flying like Tails/j.

The two of you got back into bed and Evan wasted no time to wrap his arms around you and pulled you back to his chest, of course you grabbed your phone before you were locked in the boy’s protective hold. While you typed on your phone, Evan was in his thoughts thinking about the last two times you were forced away from him, both times had its own pain, but the last time was just as painful as the first. And to think it's happened before…

I won't let anyone touch you again, that's a promise my love. Evan thought, holding you just a little tighter in that protective hold of his, which Evan didn't realize he started growling a bit at the thought, “Evan, your growling”, “Hm? Oh- sorry” not that it wasn't annoying but by the fact he was growling in your e a r. It was hot. You turned your head to look at him, expecting to see those green eyes of his but instead greeted with the black eyes and the white lights staring right back at you.

“You okay?” you asked, he blinked a few times before one of his eyes went back to green, the other still remaining as that, “Yeah, im- im fine” he said, getting up, still having a hold on you of course which forced you to sit up as well, “You need to eat”, “Not hungry”, “That wasn't a question” Evan said quickly, picking you up and teleporting to the kitchen, you hold on his arm tightly, “Warn me first before doing that!” Evan chuckled at your little whine, setting you down on the counter.

“You would have tried to get away either way” he said, you rolled your eyes, crossing your leg over the other, “Yeah, i know” you said with a smirk, Evan looked at you, the position you sat in, trying not to let lewd thoughts take over this nice moment. Well whatever you call this semi-normal moment. He walked over to the fridge and started grabbing a few things while you sat prettily on the counter watching your man start to work his ass for you.

-874 words-

Evan (CC) Afton X Fem. Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now