[C4 part 2?] Alternate ending

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This is the alternate part when Y/n was hit, or the part I forgot to add which TS_is_a_queen13 ask for, how you enjoy!

⚠️✨Violence, blood✨⚠️

[Y/n's POV]

I grabbed a ball and threw it at someone at the other side, missing, "Hey Y/n! Ketch this!" I looked over seeing a ball right in my face, making me fall back. "Fucking hell" I groaned, covering my nose. I looked up seeing Kimberly smirking, laughing, that bitch..

That is the last straw! I got up and walked over to Kimberley and punched her in the jaw, knocking her back a few steps, "What the hell Y/n?!" She cried out. A grin grew on my face, wiping the blood from my nose, "I'll fucking break you now, whore" she ran towards me to knock me down but I easily dodged, watching her fall to the floor.

"Y/n!" I heard Evan call out, I didn't respond and stepped on Kimberly's back, "This is what you get for all the shit you put me threw" I chuckled as she struggled underneath me. I grabbed her hair in her ponytail and pulled her head back, she screamed in pain, good, get all the pain you caused me, I kicked her side over and over again, making her cry in pain.

Suddenly I was pulled back, I looked over seeing Evan with a shocked and worried, "Y/n, calm down" he begged, holding me back, the teacher ran over, checking on the pick-me. She was bruised, her tears messed her make up BADLY, I chuckled to myself at my work, "She can handle it", "Y/n, stop, you've done enough damage"

He let go of me but held me close still, Liz walked over with some paper towels, "Remind me to not get on your bad side" she chuckled a bit, cleaning the blood off my face, i can clean myself. "Yeah" Evan said, agreeing with her, "Your a monster" Kimberly hissed, I shot a glare at her, "Be glad my friends are holding me back or else your ego isn't going to be the only thing broken"

She scoffed and stepped in front of me, "Your such a freak", "At least I'm not the school's pick-me whore" the teacher stepped between us, "Enough! Both of you go to the office" I rolled my eyes, "Just know I didn't strike first" I said, slipping out of Evan's grasp and walked to the office, Evan and Liz right behind me.

"There's the drama of the day" Liz sighed, "I got my pride back at least", "Violence isn't the answer, Y/n" Evan said, putting his hand on my shoulder to make me look at him. I looked at him, "Yeah, your right" I sigh in defeat. He smiled, "Good-", "It's the fucking answer!" I laughed out, Evan gave a disappointed look and Liz started laughing like a hyena.

Her laughing made me fall to the ground, laughing my ass off, "Y/n your getting blood everywhere" Evan mumbled, lifting my head up. I rolled my eyes and got up, I looked over seeing Kimberly finally leaving the gym, "You made a fool of yourself" she said, passing by us. Evan was about to speak but I shushed him and wiped some blood from my face and ran behind Kimberly, wiping the blood onto her white flower shirt.

She looked at what I did and gagged, "THIS SHIRT WAS 50 DOLLARS AND YOU STAINED IT WITH YOUR DIRTY BLOOD?!" I laughed, that's what you get. Liz pulled me to the side with Evan, "Let's just get you to the nurse before you get more then a bloody nose" she sighed. We walked to the nurse, I turned around and flipped Kimberly before leaving her sight.

I smiled proudly to myself, "Your so chaotic" Evan said, "I know" when we got to the nurse's office, she wasn't there, I walked to the bathroom there and rinsed my face off to get the blood off while Evan and Liz sat down to wait. I finished cleaning off the blood off and put a piece of paper towel in my nose to stop the blood.

I looked at myself in the mirror realizing I'm still in my PE clothes and I left my stuff in the locker room, "I left my stuff in the locker room" I told the two, "I'll go get it" Evan said, springing up and walking out quickly. I smiled, "He might kill that girl later", "What was that?" I asked Liz. "Nothing, just thinking out loud" she answered, chuckling nervously.

"Spill" I commanded, sitting next to her, "I can't tell you", "You don't need to pay me the vet if you tell m-", "Evan is very protective of you and he handled himself great and not kill the girl right then and there and I saw he was pissed off every time Kimberly threw a ball at you"

I blinked a few times before laughing, "Your funny", "I'm not joking, he has killed before, but it's rarely, he has to have something against them to kill them, Kimberly is going to have a painful death" she was serious. "He doesn't want to tell you because he's afraid he will lose you again", "How do you know this?" I asked, my voice low.

"Last night we were talking.. I can't tell you anything else, you will have to ask him, just know he's probably going to freak out and panic" I nodded slowly, processing all this information of a new side of him. Then Evan walked in with all our things, he passed me my clothes, setting the bags down.

"You got bricks in your bag or what?" He sighed out, I chuckled, "Close enough" I said, heading to the bathroom to change.

After I finished changing I put my PE clothes in a plastic bag and shoved it in my bag, "Let's get going now" I said, pulling my bag onto my back, they nodded and got up and we walked out. I kept glancing at Evan as we walked, would he really kill? Why? Really..

The walk was silent, an awkward silence. It felt like we walked for hours to get to their house, even if it's a few streets over from the school, "Wanna join us for dinner?" Evan asked as soon as we got to the gate, extending his hand with a smile. I shook my head, "I have to get home and do some things, next time though" I said, even tho I wanted to actually say "No I got to go home and think about everything Liz told me" and "Sure I would love to join" and take his hand.

But that kind of shit only happens in fairy tails, his smile dropped sadly, "Okay then, we'll see you tomorrow then" he said, I nodded and waved bye, walking away. As I got home, stepping on the porch, I could hear my parents yelling again, I walked to the kitchen and looked at what's for dinner, macaroni.

I sighed and served myself a plate, grabbed a piece of bread and went upstairs. Maybe I should have accepted his dinner invitation, I thought to myself, putting the plate on my desk and tossing my bag by my bed, I turned the radio on, switching between channels to listen to something my taste. After finding a good one, I took the plate, sitting on my bed and started eating.

I'll ask Evan about what Liz said today, it's bothers me about knowing he kills, but not in a bad way, more like it relaxes me. Wow Y/n, becoming a psycho now? It's cute though how protective he is.. snap out of it Y/n, your dating someone.

Which reminds me I need to text him! (Let's just pretend they can, it's wattpad) I grabbed my phone and texted him "hey babe, why weren't you at school?" He's probably skipping and not telling me because I did that yesterday. I put my phone and plate on my desk and grabbed some clothes to change into.

I'll have to apologize to Evan too about the awkward silence during the walk after he explains.

Spent all fucking day writing this- 🥲 hope you enjoyed the short alternative ending (which I noticed while writing that it's the opposite litterly-) alr bye :0

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