[C4] School is Hell!

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This happened like a few hours after they ate/the end of C3 so yeah. Uh let's just pretend it's about 10pm or smth bc I'm not good with time😘✌️

[Y/n's POV]

Evan has been going through my school bag for a while, since he saw an interesting book about space and his 'adhd' yelled at him to clean my trashed bag. "Y/n, can I go to your school?" He asked, I looked at him with a 'are you trying to die- again?' look, "Uhm I- not- no?" I stuttered over my words, not knowing what to say.

He chuckled at my stuttering, "Well your- dead" I say, "Right?" He nodded, "But that doesn't change much", "Oh that changes a lot Evan, firstly the whole town knows about the afton's, mainly your story" I explain quickly. "Plus you barely changed, besides looking older" I mutter out.

Evan made a pouty face, it was cute... "Please Y/n? I can ask my mom if I can go, maybe Lizzy can go too- and Liz can help get our disguises too" I smiled, I like this plan, "You need names too", "Alen will be my name and Elizabeth is Adera!" Wow he REALLY planned this.

I sighed, "Alright Evan, you can join my school if your mom agrees" a big smile appeared on his face, he looked so happy like a puppy. We got up and went down to the kitchen seeing Rosella and William, "Mom can I go to Y/n's school? We can bring Liz too!" He asked happily, his eyes practically shining.

"School?" William asked, turning around. Ugly hag- "I think it's a good idea, but you kids need disguises", "Yeah I already thought of it, even names- and Michael can be our father or something" William made a 'tch' sound, not happy.

Rosella smiled, "Alright Evan, I will talk with your 'father' about signing you kids into Y/n's school" she giggled. Evan held my hand and hugged me tightly, "Yes! I get to be with you longer!" He said, not even trying to hide his excitement.

"Alright step 1 is done, time for Liz" Evan nodded and we quickly headed upstairs, I feel like a kid again. "Elizabeth! Open the door!" Evan shouted so excited, he's practically bouncing off the walls right now! The door opened showing a sleepy Elizabeth, I giggled seeing how messy her hair was.

She looked at us both, confused, "Okay who gave Evan caffeine?" I chuckled, "Code hot pink" I whispered to her, she quickly shut the door, now Evan was confused. Loud banging and things crashing was coming from the room, then moments later Liz popped out of the door all dressed up nicely.

"Code hot pink?", "Dress up time" Evan made an 'Ooo' sound before Liz pulled both us in the room, "Code PINK is dress up, HOT pink is emergency dress up" she explains after pushing me and Evan onto some chairs. Wow her room is HUGE.

Her room was a mix of a walk in closet, one of those fancy make up set ups-

Her room was a mix of a walk in closet, one of those fancy make up set ups-

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