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you were going to kill your co-worker some day.

the minute you saw Mikey and Draken appear in all their glory, you went absolutely ballistic. er, internally, that is. you didn't want to creep them out by raving about how cool they were.

even though on the inside you were having a party, you forced yourself to keep your chill demeanor on the outside.

when you saw Mikey deciding to walk over to you and the crybaby, you were elated. and Draken in the background was doing his own thing with Kiyomasa, of course (gotta pay him respect tho o7). you were starting to finally meet all the main characters and things were going pretty smoothly. hopefully, you would be able to become Mikey's b!tch.

in all honesty though, you were still a bit conflicted. if you were able to successfully become Mikey's b!tch, that could either go right or wrong during the timeskips. mainly wrong, but oh well. doesn't matter. you'd personally meet Mikey either way, and that was good enough for you. which was going to happen, right at this moment...


oh hail nah. that better not be what you thought it was. you made an annoyed and disgusted that i cannot describe, nor can google apparently. the type of face you make when you see that one kid in your class eat something off the floor for the thousandth time. and it wasn't edible...

your eye twitched as you grabbed your phone from your pocket. "oh c'mon!" you irked. you specifically asked your co-worker to be there the second your shift ended so the boss wouldn't get mad. maybe even cover for your next shift?

but noooo. they just apparently forgotten or coincidentally gotten sick on the very day you needed a single favor!

what was the notification you received exactly? a message from your boss, asking where the heck you were and why there was no one covering.

you aggressively sucked your teeth and sighed. flicking your phone shut, you cursed under your breath to the gods. as much as you wanted to meet the infamous Sano Manjiro, your job came first. it was the single source of your income and you would not have lasted so long if you didn't have it.

you had thanked the owner of the connivence store profusely; many would usually not allow such a young, inexperienced teenager to work for them. the least you could do for the old man was show up and get the job done...

and so, very much in dismay, you trudged back to the store. 

your luck really sucked, didn't it?...


MIKEY was a wee bit disappointed. just a little bit.

he really wanted to meet the girl he saw during at organized battle ring. she seemed interesting in his eyes. she certainly had guts.

not that he was complaining that he met Takemitchy, but it didn't feel complete. it was like ordering a package deal but only getting half of what you were supposed to get. or getting a FedEx package but only half of the product is in good shape.

"oh?" Mikey exclaimed as he stuck his head into the classroom. the short boy slid the door open so he could enter in. behind him was the braid boy aka Draken. Draken's stature was insanely tall, especially compared to the door. the boy waited right outside the classroom, his hand slung over the top of the door frame.

trains. || Tokyo RevengersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora