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"Shibuya. Shibuya."

you looked up from your phone upon hearing the announcement. you held on tight to the hanging straps, bracing yourself for the stop. the worst possible outcome would be losing balance and ramming into a nearby person (not that it ever happened before...).

the only reason you were here anyway was to try some food that your manager recommended. traveling by train was not at all your favorite way of transport, but it was the easiest at the moment.

guess i did end up going to the train station again... you sighed, rather surprised that you actually went on a train again.

the train came to a slow stop and the sleek doors slid open. you squeezed and slid your way through the people to get to the door; looks like you could do this without any issue. you waited behind a group of teens as they exited the train. unfortunately for you, one of the kids seemed out of it and wasn't budging.

you internally groaned at this inconvenience. "hey, sorry. can you hurry it up a bit..." you said, scratching your head.

"oi, Takemichi! hurry up. you're holding a girl up. plus, the door's gonna close..."

your eyes widened a bit as you took a double take at the name. now off the train, the doors shut behind you, taking off for its next stop.

the blonde looked confused but briefly nodded his head at you in apology before he awkwardly skedaddled off to his friends.

you stood frozen there at the platform, staring at the Mizo Middle Five. talking casually, blissfully unaware of their upcoming and rather depressing fight with the Shibuya delinquents.



you took a taxi back to your place. ain't taking anymore chances with trains.

you gazed out of the car window at the breath-taking sunset. the glowing sun slowly faded behind the tall buildings, getting ever so little. the light blue-purple sky faded into the bright sun, wisps of clouds floating about. the looming buildings blinded you from its shimmery glass, reflected from the orange colors of the sun. night began to fall upon the beautiful city of Shibuya.

you were looking forward to the coming days in the tokyo revengers universe. it seemed alright-- as for now. you were a little concerned about your interactions with some characters. the last thing you wanted was catching Kisaki's attention and getting shot or something.

despite your paranoia, you still wanted to become friends with the cast. not best friends, but more acquaintances. yes... that'd be for the best. you didn't want to get too attached to them.

despite whatever you just told yourself, you decided to text Chifuyu. he was one of your favorite characters, after all. who wouldn't love him? you unlocked your phone and opened up LINE to message the boy.







you need something?



i like dogs more than cats

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