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The lanterns on the damp, stone sidewalk illuminated the surrounding homes. the emptiness and quiet of the street seemed to bounce off of the houses, making the silence echo louder than it should have.

you stood in the middle of the road, your steps ever-so splashing in the reflecting puddles of water. your steps ringed throughout the street.

despite the fogginess that very evening, the lanterns shone brighter and the fire danced inside the grimy and unkept glass. the warm flames blazed and guided your path.

you let out a sigh, releasing the hot breath from your mouth into the contrasting frigid air. unfortunately for you, the glasses you were wearing fogged up and were filled with moisture. so much for seeing.

you trudged toward the graffitied [and rather depressing] bus stop. you slightly leaned against the crooked metal bus stop pole, and paused.

taking out a lollipop and sucking on it, you unlocked your mobile phone with a distinct click.

"I swear..." you muttered underneath your breath. "where's that boy when i actually need him?"

some time had passed, and you were beginning to get impatient. you testily dialed his contact number into your phone and put the phone up to your ear.


"you." you grumbled.

"me?" the voice on the line innocently responded.

"yes, you. Kiran. Chu."

"who's that? never heard of 'em."

"you little-"

"yea yea, i get it."

"where are you?"


"ok, fine. i'm at May Wah buying food," the boy begrudgingly confessed.

"what???" you groaned, rubbing your temples.


"It took me an hour to get here, ya know! i thought I told you to meet me at my location-- 5 pm sharp!"

"uhhh, no you didn't."

"i did too!"



"well i don't have any memory of that. bye!"


call end.

"are you serious right now?..."


Upon learning that your dearest brother didn't listen to your instructions one bit, you decided to head back home. you had no more business here after all.

"came... all... the... way. here," you drawled. "for... no. damn. reason!" you irritatedly kicked a small pebble in the way of your path. the poor pebble went flying into the frosty air, loudly barreling into the lamp post.

you irritably stalked to the nearby train station in order to get back home in time. you sluggishly stooped down the concrete stairs, giving out multiple [and very obvious] exasperated sighs. the station was busy at this hour, thus making your heavy and exaggerated clonking of steps get smothered out. gotta fight poison with poison i guess.

making your way to the train stop, you squished yourself through the multitude of people. rush hour. the amount of people pushing and shoving against you was practically unbearable. you were practically being thrown from side to side-- you could easily be compared to a rag doll. catching the train in time seemed impossible if this kept up...

"man, i hate younger brothers."

eventually, you maneuvered your way through the oncoming crowd like a weasel so you could be closer to the train when it arrives. so here you were. squashed between the rock-hard shoulders of what seemed like the whole damn nation.

"The train now approaching this platform does not stop here. Please stand well clear of the edge of the platform."

upon hearing the announcement, the crowd surged backward. for some reason, you were getting closer to the tracks due to the amount of mass up against you, going in all different directions.

i hate shoulders. this is oh so fun. you thought, sarcastically smiling to yourself.

despite joking at the situation, you were actually getting rather uneasy. your eyes skittishly darted around as you tried to prevent yourself from getting closer to the tracks. your eyes widened as you heard the train getting closer by the millisecond.

finally. you began to make progress retreating, as you felt yourself moving back, getting a little farther from the railway each second. looks like things are gonna be alright after all. you gave a sigh of relief, putting your hand on top of your heart.

then all in a few seconds, you felt an abrupt shove. you now stood right on the tracks. .

the train lights were getting bigger by the second, blaring in front of your face-- practically blinding you. of course, that was the least of your concerns at the moment. all you could do was stare in utter disbelief at the incoming vehicle.

oh yea i'm toa-

everything went black.

↻ 𝙇𝙤𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜...↻

moral of the story? i'm never going to the train station again.

⟢ thank you for choosing this work.
⟢ tr belongs to wakui.
⟢ i apologize for any bad writing/grammar.
╰⪼ have a wonderful day ^^

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