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Your shift eventually ended-- thank god.

HANAGAKI TAKEMICHI was slightly, just a itty-bitty bit, bamboozled.

currently, things were not going as planned. not at all. not in the slightest bit.

let's back things up a bit.

"HOLD IT!" Takemichi yelled from the top of the crowd. "wouldn't something else be more interesting?..." he climbed down the platforms and soon made it to the bottom of the ring. he grinned despite his already bandaged face as he motioned a fist toward his opponent.

"let's say... the king v.s. the slave? how about it, Kiyomasa?"

the watching crowd immediately broke into a sea of muttering, ultimately deciding that this kid is out of his damn mind. not only is he crazy, but he's interrupting the fight that most of the crowd betted on.

"fight me. one on one." he gave a daring smile in spite of the nervousness that was overwhelming him. his hands started to slightly quiver and sweat. he had to do this right.

Despite his brave demeanor, Takemichi knew that he was gonna get beat up. i mean, look at that dude! Kiyomasa doesn't even look like a middle schooler; he looks like a full-grown man who has a smoking and gambling addiction!

so there Takemichi was, in the middle of the ring instead of Takuya. face to face against Kiyomasa.

the crowd grew dead silent as the two boys stared each other down, greatly anticipating the brawl. this kid had balls of steel.

all in a few quick seconds, his abdomen exploded in pain as his stomach could be seen sinking into Kiyomasa's fist.

well shit. he's way stronger compared to me.

"WHERE'D ALL YOUR BIG TALK GO, HUH HANAGAKI?" one of Kiyomasa's cronies taunted as Takemichi took another punch to the face.

"not yet..." takemichi grunted as he slowly got up to his feet.

another straight to the gut.

once more to the face.

things ain't looking too pretty.

"That's enough, Takemichi!" Akkun nervously yelled. the last thing they needed on their hands was a near dead Takemichi. the rest of the Mizo Middle echoed Akkun's thoughts, becoming more and more tense. they desperately tried to get Takemichi out of this situation; he had proved his self far enough.

the pocket knife in his back pocket seemed to heat up, forming a black hole. the longer the fight progressed and the longer the sounds of grunts and injuries could be heard, the hotter it appeared to get. he wasn't afraid to use it if he had to. for Takemichi's sake. it might not be the most ideal option, but in Akkun's mind, you gotta do what you gotta do.

the mob of people howled in delight. this unexpected match ended up being a total dark horse. they were certainly getting their money's worth now.

each blow seemed more painful than the previous. as takemichi got socked in the face again; all the pain was setting in at once. at this point, the poor boy could barely stand up straight. his nose was bleeding hard-- his face visibly bruised and bloody.

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