Rebel 2

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"I'm finished with that hose connection. Can you clean out the bait freezer? Everything's defrosted," Howie yelled over his shoulder. He was holding two buckets filled with melted fish guts.

"Sure thing boss. I'd love to clean up fish blood," I spoke with clear sarcasm. He let out his iconic chuckle in return.

"After that, you can head off kid. You shouldn't be spending all your time at this place," he yelled back to me as he shuffled away.

"Thanks, Howie," I replied.

As I began the lovely job of cleaning the bait freezer, my phone buzzed. I had no intention of reaching into my pocket with fish bits all over my hand, so I left it for now. Then it beeped again, and again. Someone was spamming me.

I sighed in defeat and quickly dried my hands off before checking who the culprit was.

*Anna* 'Are you at home?'

*Kie* 'Cover for me? Mom thinks I'm with you.'

*Kie* 'Please reply, she's been on my ass and can't know I'm out.'

I replied quickly to Kie.

'Where are you? I'll cover for you, but I need an idea of what to say.'

She instantly replied, 'Tell her we're at your work. I'm waiting for you to finish or something.'

She avoided my question. 'Okay. But where are you? Are you with JB?'

'Yes, I'm with John. We're on the boat with Pope and JJ. I'll catch up with you later. Luv ya!'

I messaged Anna back and went along with Kie's scheme, but in the back of my mind, something was bothering me. Her answers seemed vague and mysterious, plus she never says "Luv ya." something had to be up. I needed to figure out her burner password and get to the bottom of it.


As I finally finished cleaning the freezer I locked eyes with none other than Pope. He looked surprised but delighted to see me and made his way over swiftly. "Lucy, oh my goodness." He gave me a loving hug, "Wow you stink," I smiled with a million questions forcing their way through my teeth. 

"What have you been up to?" I asked innocently. 

"Oh not much, I've been on lockdown today since..." He stopped himself, "Uh-" I looked at him intensely, he really couldn't lie for shit.  

"No, you have to tell me." I pleaded, "Please..." I had him in the perfect position. No escape. 

He looked deep in thought as he began. "I just got home late the other night and tried to sneak into my room. Of course, Pops caught me red-handed so now I'm just trying to stay out of his way." I looked at him with an eyebrow raised, he was holding back major information. "Uh- yeah, um." He was stumbling over his words now. 

"Come on Pope." I was losing patients now, "What is it? What did you guys do?" I turned back around to the freezer and continued to clean it out as I waited for Pope to continue. I know Pope doesn't deal well with confrontation, so easing away will help him talk. "What did you and Kie sneak out and hook up in Jb's boat or something?" I giggled to myself.

"What? God no. Kie is about as interested in me as JJ is in Mr. Collins's geography class." He looked upset. 

"HUH?" I gasped sarcastically, "Kie not interested in you? You have got to be joking with me." I laughed. 

"Well since John B and her had a steamy, run away from the police, make-out session I'm pretty sure I'm geography now." I saw the regret form on his face immediately.

I was beyond confused at this point. She has had a crush on Pope since the beginning of time but did nothing about it because it would mess the friend group up. She had never said anything about liking John B. My brother. She kissed my brother and didn't tell me? 

"You better be fucking with me Pope. Kie would never do that to me." I had turned back to look at him dead in the eyes now.

"Shit." He stopped and looked devastated, "She hasn't told you anything has she?" 

"Apparently not." My voice broke slightly. I was turning into an outsider, it was like I was the little sister that everyone found annoying all over again. "I gotta get going, Ann is expecting me for dinner soon. See you round?" 

"Yeah, I'll see ya." He began walking away, "Oh and I'm sorry. I'll try to keep you in the loop from now on. Just kinda thought Kie would be, you know?" a half smile forming on his face. A sympathetic one. 

"Thanks, Pope." I cleaned off my hands again then realized I never asked why he was out the other night. He was already out of sight and the opportunity was lost. I just hoped that my friends weren't playing some game of hide and seek with those men. Especially if John B was being so mindless with things, kissing Kie was definitely not like him. But I guess I don't really know who he was anymore.

Then another thought struck me too late. Kie had lied about being on the boat with Pope. God I was being played so hard at this point. 

Fuck I hate this island. 

Forbidden // OBX - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now