Pilot 6

225 1 0

-Blood warning-

JJ and Pope carried John B, well Kie helped me to the van. There were sirens in the distance. Some kook definitely called the cops, so we had to leave ASAP. Kie drove with JJ in the front and Pope, JB and I in the back. Pope was helping John B vomit up seawater that he had swallowed into some random bucket we have in case JJ has too much to drink.

I was in complete shock about what just happened.

My brother nearly just drowned in front of me, his best friend just held someone at gunpoint, and I had a massive gash on my shin. I didn't realise until later that when I twisted my ankle, I had gotten a nice cut by a branch or something in the water. There was a trail of blood down from my shin to my shoe, my new socks were ruined.

"The fuck were you thinking getting in the middle of that fight, Lucy." JJ turned to me with an angry look on his face.

I chuffed at him. "What was I thinking? You pulled a gun to Toppers head JJ." He was insane if he thought I deserved shit after what he just pulled.

"To save you stupid Routledges'." He laughed, looking at my brother lying on the floor of the van.

I guess he was right, and he did do it for the right reasons. But still, he could've just tackled Topper or done something that didn't involve shooting that stupid gun.

I turned to look at John B. He looked better now that he'd gotten the seawater out of him. "You look like shit John B." I laughed.

"You don't look so good yourself." He replied, pointing at my leg.

"Gonna be a nice battle scar," Pope announced trying to lighten the mood.


Once we pulled up to the Chateau, everyone headed down to the fire pit. We needed to figure out what the fuck we were gonna do if the police start sniffing around. Pope came inside with me to clean out my wound and get me bandaged up.

I was sitting on a kitchen chair waiting for Pope to find the first aid box.

"So Lou, I need to tell you something. Ah yes, found it." He said as he walked over with his flashlight in his mouth, holding some bandage wrap and hydrogen peroxide. I moved another chair for him to sit across from me and untied my shoe.

"Is now the best time Pope, your kinda putting chemicals in my leg." I laughed as he started cleaning the wound. It was stinging like a bitch.

"That will probably distract you from killing me," he said hesitantly, "I was talking to JJ at the party..."

I interrupted him, "Pope, you better not have. What the fuck did you tell him?" If JJ knows, that meant my brother probably already does too. Everything was about to change. Oh shit

"I'm sorry." He looked up from my bandaged leg. His face was apologetic and worried all at the same time. I got up and started walking to my bedroom. I couldn't deal with this right now.

"Don't, just don't," I replied walking away.

I turned around as I made it to my room and said, "Tell the others my leg is sore, and I'm sleeping it off, okay?" and closed my door behind me.

There was no way I was about to hang out with everyone in awkward silence for however long. That would be the most unbearable thing. I just got into bed and turned my flashlight off so they'd think I had gone to sleep. Not even five minutes later, JJ comes bounding into my room, pulls the covers off me and picks me up over his shoulder. I was swearing at the idiot to let me down, but he just kept walking through the house.

After a lot of struggle, we eventually ended up down with the rest of the group. JJ announced, "The guest of honour has arrived, ladies and gentlemen!" he placed me in the hammock and sat on the ground next to me, smiling from ear to ear. He was so proud of himself, thinking he'd been so clever, I wanted to slap that grin clean off.

John B was staring into the distance at nothing. Probably trying to figure out the best way to kill me or something. Kie and Pope were talking about how Sarah and Topper shouldn't have even been at the kegger. It was pretty stupid because It was known they weren't welcome. Queen bee gets whatever she wants, though.

I was sipping on a random beer JJ gave me when he leant in and whispered. "You should probably talk to John B. He's a little uneasy about the whole you being 'in love with me' thing." His smile was even bigger now. I've never wanted to slap JJ more in my entire life than I did at that moment.

"John B, let's go for a walk," I said to my brother. He nodded in response and stood up.

We walked down to the dock, and he just stared at the water well I explained. I just tried to get him to understand that it wasn't supposed to come out. "Kie wasn't meant to tell anyone John B. Nobody was meant to know about my stupid crush, It's just a dumb crush, and it doesn't mean anything. Nothings gonna come from it." I was angry and upset at the same time. The reality of it was that JJ couldn't be my boyfriend or whatever. He was John B's best friend, and I couldn't get in the middle of that.

"Lou, I understand, okay, I get it, but you know JJ. He treats girls like shit." He sounded frustrated with me, like I had chosen the wrong person and that he disapproved.

I didn't know what to say. I just nodded my head and said, "Yeah, I've noticed."

We both looked away, and he said, "I just cant bear the thought of you turning into one of his side pieces, you're better than that, and you know it."

I understood what he meant and agreed with him. After tonight I didn't know if I still felt like that about JJ anyway. He was reckless and stupid, with no concept of what could've happened if he had shotten Topper. I didn't need that on my plate as well.

JB continued, "He's my best friend Lucy." The look of complete disappointment in his eyes made my heart sink. I really fucked up.

"Understood," I replied and hugged him lovingly. We began to walk back to Kie and the boys when I said, "I'm still allowed to smoke with JJ, right?"

JB laughed and said, "Yes, you fucken stoner."

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