Pilot 9

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As we pulled up home, sheriff Peterkin's truck drove out of the driveway. JJ turned to me. He looked like he was about to shit his pants.

"That's not good." He whispered

"No, nope. definitely not good." I remarked

Jax jumped off the boat and ran down the dock. As John B opened the back door, he jumped, causing JB to fall onto his ass. Jax's tail was wagging so much it looked like it might just about fall off.

JJ tied the boat up as I walked off towards my brother. Peterkin being here either meant it was time to start packing, or we needed to get rid of the gun. Hopefully, the second option.

John B stood up, pushing the overly loving dog off in the process. "Good night?" He asked with a hint of hesitance.

"Same old. What did Peterkin want?" There was no point in trying to explain to JB what was going on with JJ and me. A part of me wished I could tell him how madly in love I was but It would cause more bad then good.

"I'll explain later. I borrowed some camping showers from Kie. Go take a shower. You stink of weed." He laughed. I punched him in the arm for that lovely comment, and he let out a small "Ouch."

He was right. I needed to shower. As I walked into the house, I grabbed the camping shower that had been heating up in the sun. Not the most luxurious way to get clean, but it would have to do. I set it up in our normal shower and grabbed a clean towel from the cupboard. I washed my hair and my body, getting clean felt amazing, warm water running down my spine and the sea salt being washed away. I felt like a new woman. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body. I walked towards my room and came face to face with JJ.
"Fancy seeing you here," He remarked with a large smirk growing across his face. "Sad to see I wasn't invited."

"Easy there cowboy." I spoke sarcastically, "Don't be getting too possessive, it's not like i'm your girlfriend or anything." Teasing JJ had never been easier.

His faced dropped instantly and he moved aside to let me past. That comment definitely hit a nerve.

"Yeah, you're right." He spoke uneasily, like I had insulted him.

"Sorry I didn't -," He interrupted me.

"Don't stress it, John B is waiting for us." He said as he turned and headed towards the back door. I was left standing in the hallway, unable to move. Shit. I thought to myself, that was definitely a bad move.

How could I be so inconsiderate. He had just put himself on the line, directly went behind his best friend's back then I go and ruin everything.

I snap out of my thoughts as I hear John B yell out for me to 'Hurry my ass up' and rush to put some clothes on. The first thing I see is an over sized T-shirt of my dads that I stole from him last summer, so I put that over a purple bikini paired with some ragged blue jean shorts.


I walked out of my room and out the back door to the shed.

John B, Pope and Kie were talking about Peterkin. Apparently, if we just stayed out of the marsh for a while, she would help us stay out of foster care. A dream come true.

"And you believed her?" JJ asked. I shockingly looked over to see his enraged face.

"Yes, I believe her, JJ," JB replied.

JJ threw a rock into the water and said, "An actual cop, John B. You believed a cop."

"All I gotta do is stay out of the marsh for a couple of days, and she'll help us out. It doesn't help that your ass was the one shooting a gun." He replied.

"I should've just let topper drown your ass." JJ laughed

"JJ, just stop." I turned to my brother, "John B, listen to Peterkin... If you get caught doing something stupid, you could send us both away for good. Please don't put us through that."

JJ exclaimed loudly, "They always win. The kooks versus pogues. They always win!" as he punched a net float.

"Look, it's okay," Kie exclaimed, trying to ease the tension.

"No, it's not okay! It's not! They don't want us to go down into the marsh. That means there's something valuable down there, and you know it." JJ never takes things this seriously.

"I can't listen to this," I said as I got up to leave. My brother always falls for it. Every time JJ wants to do something stupid, he manages to get my brother in on it too. John B just sat there, guilt written all over his face as I walked past him. I wasn't about to sit there and be completely disregarded by my only family.

Forbidden // OBX - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now