Pilot 5

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After the boys and Kie got back from the motel, they caught me up on what went down. Pope nearly had a panic attack trying to explain what happened. The poor guy just kept saying, "we were never there," and "I have complete dementia." JJ had found a fucking gun and a shit tonne of cash in the motel safe. John B and JJ also had to hang off the side of the building because Deputy Shoupe had come to check out the motel. I'm surprised they didn't fall to their deaths.

It turns out the motel room belonged to Scooter Grubbs. How that man came across a Greaty-White is a mystery to me. John B was going on about how there must be a shit tonne of contraband on the wreck. Even smuggling doesn't explain that nice of a boat.

"Like I already said, I'm not getting involved," I laughed at Kie and the boys. "But my advice is if you figure out a way to go down to the wreck and you find something, don't let JJ smoke it all." I continued laughing and walked down to the hammock.

"Alright then, fair enough," JB yelled as I left ", don't come crying to me when we're millionaires."

I was lying on the hammock for around half an hour reading a book my dad had on his side table. Jax was with John B and the crew in his room, planning some great drug lord heist for all I knew. Kie came out and walked towards me with a sorry look on her face.

"I need to tell you something." She said as she sat down beside me.

"What's up?" I asked hesitantly. I put down my book and sat up. She couldn't look me in the eye.

She looked around and said, "Okay, so when JJ and John B were inside the motel, me and Pope started talking,"

"Right?" I replied. I had no clue what she was getting at.

"Pope started talking about JJ and how he is blind when it comes to girls," She continued. I knew where this was going. I just didn't want to believe it.

"He knows that you like JJ. I'm sorry, Lou he guessed it, and you know I can't lie." She said very apologetically

I had told Kie around four or five months ago that I liked JJ; we had a sleepover at her house, and she ended up telling me she had feelings for Pope. We both promised not to tell anyone since we didn't want anything to change with the group and the whole "No pogue on pogue macking" rule. Pope knowing meant either I would have to hope he doesn't spill to the boys or run away forever. Either way, my chances weren't looking good.

"It's okay, not your fault. I completely understand," I replied with a kind smile. I was shitting myself on the inside. John B can't find out he'd kill me. "Is he gonna tell the boys?" I asked

"He said that he wasn't gonna bring it up. If they did, he wouldn't lie or something like that." She replied. Pope and his good morals will be the death of me. "Also, we're hosting a kegger and your coming. So let's go get ready." She jumped up and gave me her hand.

We walked to the house hand in hand. I changed into a white crop top and stole one of John B's button-ups to wear over the top, and I had my black shorts with my white high top converse. I felt like putting a bit of mascara and lip gloss on, It wasn't much, but I liked how it made me look. We all packed into the van and headed down to the boneyard to set up the keg.


We were all having a good time, talking it up with some tourons of course. I sat next to Kie with this guy talking about astrology and different star signs when the queen bee caught our attention.

"What is she doing here?" Kie asked as Topper was trying to get her to climb down from some random metal buoy that washed up. Sarah always managed to become the centre of attention. It was like she was the main character in a play or something. The pogues were just the audience.

The sun was setting as I had my sixth beer. The sky was filled with bright pinks and orange. It looked like a painting Bob Ross had done. The clouds had sunlight reflecting on them, and it was as if beyond the horizon, a wildfire had spread along the water.

I was sitting by the bonfire with some of my friends from school, talking about how the hurricane fucked the cut up. I heard JJ starting shit with Topper, so I turned around. JJ offered a beer or something to Sarah, and Topper threw it in his face.

JJ lost his shit, grabbed Topper and pushed him. I got up and walked towards the idiot boys. As I walked past Topper, he said, "Dirty fucking pogues." towards me. John B turned towards him and slammed into him. Topper was pissed now. He punched John B in the face causing him to fall into the water.

Pope was trying to hold JJ back, trying to calm him down. I was "talking" to Sara, saying she needed to leave and take her fucking boyfriend with her, she was trying to get Topper to stop, but he was too busy kicking my brother. John B got up and tackled Topper to the floor. They both got up and started punching each other over and over again.

A whole crowd of people had formed around them. Chanting "Fight. Fight. Fight." over and over again.

John B had thrown Topper into the water and started yelling at him. Topper got up and started punching JB, then flipped him over his shoulder like in a Judo fight straight into the water. Topper got on top of John B and started holding his head under the water.

I had to do something.

I ran to try and pry Topper from my brother. I tried to get him off and help my brother get his head above the waves. Topper pushed me off, and I fell backwards, twisting my ankle on a piece of driftwood or something that was under hidden under the sand.

JJ lost his shit at this.

He pulled out the gun and held it to the back of Topper's head. "Yeah, you know what that is." He said. Kie ran over to make sure I was alright and yelled at JJ to stop. Everyone in the crowd scattered like mice. JJ turned as Topper let go of John B and said, "Everyone, listen up! Get the hell off our side of the island."

He let off two warning shots into the sky, and everyone screamed. He was so reckless and stupid sometimes. I get that he was just trying to save his friend but pulling out a gun wasn't gonna help the situation. He just scared everyone to death.

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