chapter sixteen <3

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irl (lilys pov<3)

i woke up again, seeing that tommy had dissapeared. i lay in the bed for another five minutes.

i was still wearing tommys hoodie, and decided i was going to attempt to steal it.

i got out of bed and walked through to the kitchen, where i saw him eating some toast, scrolling on his phone.

"hello!" he said, giving me a bright smile, despite his tired eyes.

"morning." i said, still being very tired.

"you still tired?" he asked.

"mmm" i said, looking for food.

he just laughed, "well wake up because ive got something planned for us."

i raised an eyebrow, he had planned something for us to do?

"and what would that be?"

"you'll just have to wait and see." he said, grinning. "be ready by three."

"holy shit tommy that only gives me an hour! what should i wear?" i asked him, pacing around.

"something that will keep you warm, but that you wont overheat."

"well that helps."

"always happy to help!" he said in a very sarcastic tone.

i rolled my eyes, walking back through to my room. i looked at the clothes i had packed. i picked out a pair of jeans and a grey jumper. it was quite nice out, but i knew it would still be cold, so i thought the outfit suited.

i did some makeup and brushed my hair before i heard tommy shout "five minute warning!" before hearing him shout because he tripped over something in the hall.

we finally left and we walked till we reached a random field, where there was a blanket laid down on the grass with food.

"you did all this?"

"well i maybe had a little help, but it was my idea!" he said, smiling. "do you like it?"

"i love it!" i said, digging into the food surrounding me.

we spent the next two hours sitting there stuffing our face woth food and talking about everything.

as we were sitting there, i could feel tommy looking at me, staring at me more like. i let out a little smile, and i watched as he turned away, going red.

"i could get used to this you know" i said, making his head turn back to me.

"what picnics? because we can like... make it our thing if you'd like?" he said, sounding confused.

"no dumbass, i mean spending time with you. being in the uk.

i watched as his eyes lit up, like someone had just told him the best news ever.

Tommys pov

this was the best news ever.

i looked at her, blinking.

"well you know your always welcome here." i said, smiling at her. i could feel myself going red.

"i never want to leave" she said, giggling as she bit into another strawberry.

i looked at her, her wide blue eyes darting everywhere as she admired the surroundings, her hair flowing in the wind, and her smile glowing.

"you know you don't have to." i blurted out.

god why do i keep doing that? i need to start thinking before i speak. she was now staring at me.

"yeah, i would love to, but i think i would miss my family too much"

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