Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

October, Year 7, 1892

Suggested Listening: Demons (Hayley Kiyoko), Stargirl Interlude (The Weeknd), Drink Before the War (Sinead O'Connor). 


Poppy and I are sitting in the stands, watching the Slytherin and Hufflepuff teams whiz by on brooms. I watch Sebastian, who is guarding the goal area, as he maneuvers back and forth on his broom. Imelda is all over the place, trying to outfly the Hufflepuff seeker as they search for the snitch.

"And another ten points for Slytherin!" the announcer shouts, half of the stadium erupting in a cheer. Poppy grumbles something about the Hufflepuff seeker not doing their job.

"Remember our deal, Poppy. We win, you feed the cat for the whole week!" I shout over the noise. She shoves me playfully, but gives me a big smile as she does so. She turns back to the game, shouting along with the crowd. I decided to sit on the Hufflepuff side, betraying my house in order to sit with my friend.

I watch as Sebastian blocks a goal, throwing his arms up in triumph. My hands are the only ones clapping in this section, and I don't do it for long. Frankly, I am ready for the game to be over. The October air has a bite, and the wind has picked up within the last ten minutes.

"The game needs to hurry up, it's starting to get cold and I do not feel like shivering in my coat for another twenty minutes," I whisper into Poppy's ear. She opens her mouth to say something, but is cut off by the announcer.

"Imelda Reyes has caught the snitch! Slytherin has won the match!"


Slytherin's did certainly mope when they lost quidditch, but when they won? Everyone became loud, drunk, and full of joy. The common room had exploded with music, people were dancing and drinking. A few people were gambling with cards and whiskey on one side of the room, and on the other people were making enough drinks to drown out the world.

Imelda and I changed from our robes and uniforms into actual dresses, a far cry from the pressed shirts and skirts we wore most days. Without my long hair to cover it, my back was on display for all to see. I felt utterly and completely free.

"Let's go, Wiley! I want enough whiskey and wine to forget my name," Imelda says, dragging me along to the table of spirits. She pours a goblet full of wine for each of us, and then takes the bottle of fire whiskey and gives it a swig before passing it to me. I copy her movement, taking a large gulp. The warm liquid provides me with a welcome sensation, prompting me to take another swig. Imelda is laughing at me, and we walk away from the table towards the middle of the room.

The goblet of wine in my hand makes its way to my lips, and a buzz fills my body as I drink. There is music playing, someone somewhere enchanted an instrument of sorts. Imelda is swaying nearby me, and I find myself doing the same. There is this enchanting feeling around me, but deep down I know that it is just the alcohol in my body. The two of us are swaying, swaying, swaying, as if we are under some sort of spell.

Before I even feel a body, I can feel his breath on my neck. Sebastian's hands touch my shoulders, prompting me to turn slightly. The wine in my goblet is almost gone, and I feel him whisper something to me about getting another drink. His words are slurred, his hair messed up and his cheeks are flushed pink. I let him steer me back towards the drinks. Instead of wine, I opt to pour whiskey into my glass and thin it with water.

"Drinking with a purpose tonight, Aislynn?" he asks, a messy grin plastered on his face. He is eyeing me in an odd way, a way I can't decipher. I nod, smiling and drinking like a madwoman. "Let's dance," I tell him.

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