Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

September, Year 7, 1892.

Suggested Listening: Meet me in the Hallway (Harry Styles)


    The sorting ceremony drones on in the back of my head as I pick at a hangnail that I have. Imelda is seated next to me, and she keeps making snide remarks about the little first years as they walk up to the hat.

    "Good heavens, look at her hair! Did Mummy not pack a brush for her?" she says in response to a bushy haired girl sitting underneath the hat. I roll my eyes and ignore her.

    "Slytherin!" the hat shouts sitting atop the girl's head. The table I'm seated at cheers for the small girl as she bounces over to us. Imelda makes another remark that I don't fully hear.

    "Have you nothing better to do?" I ask loudly, turning to face her. She looks like I have just slapped her across the face. Stammering, she mutters something about it all just being a joke. I roll my eyes again and turn away from her. In the corner of my eye, I catch Sebastian giving me a subtle thumbs up from across the table. A soft smile spreads on my face as I turn to face the ceremony again.

    Headmaster Black starts to speak, welcoming everyone back and announcing that, yes, quidditch will happen this year. Across from me I see Sebastian clap his hands in approval, earning a shush from Ominis.

    For the record, when I sat next to Imelda I thought that would be my safe haven from the boys. The two tolerate her at best, but with my luck they are seated right across from us. No matter, my plan was to eat and then go unpack. I had little desire to socialize with everyone after the type of day I had.

    Black says something else that I don't really care about, then announces the feast. The table in front of me is suddenly piled high with chicken, roast potatoes, loaves of bread, and sweets. I start to dump what I want onto my plate, appreciating the good hot food after two months of eating at the inn.

The food on my plate becomes my priority, as to ignore the three fools around me. Stuffing a roast potato in my mouth, I chew and avoid the conversation they have started around me. The air around me has become thick with tension, possibly only due to my sullen mood.

    Sebastian notices my full plate and snorts. "Did you not eat over the summer?" he asks me with a smirk.

    I roll my eyes. "You certainly look like you ate plenty over the summer, Sebastian."

    Next to him, Ominous snorts into his drink. Sebastian takes a bite off his plate. "I have no idea what you mean!" he shouts with food in his mouth.

    Imelda groans next to me. "Sallow, don't get a big head now that you've grown three feet and developed muscles," she says, eyeing him. Sebastian raises his eyebrows.

    "It was not three feet, Imelda. Besides, Ominis is taller too. Don't only cast your judgment at me."

    Imelda laughs. "Ominis grew, yes, but he looks like a string bean more than anything!" she says, still laughing. She stops for a moment. "No offense, Ominis. You just are quite thin."

    Ominis shrugs next to Sebastian. "It was a stressful summer," he remarks plainly. I fight the urge to roll my eyes at his response, almost seething from what he is implying. Sebastian must know something as well, cause he gives me an apologetic look.

    "My summer was just as stressful I'm sure, but I still made time to eat!" I spit out, my voice laced with venom. I direct my eyes towards Ominis, wishing for once that he could see the look on my face.

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