"Are you okay, Charles?" Jennifer asked, her voice filled with genuine concern as she helped him to his feet.

Charles nodded weakly, his face still pale but gradually returning to its usual color. "Yeah, I think so," he replied shakily, his voice trembling slightly.

Good, he seems to be okay, Judith thought.

"That was awesome! So what rides shall we go to next?" Xavier asked.

"I want go get something to eat first. Like a cheeseburger or nachos! Or even fried twinkies!" Said Liam excitedly.

Hillary again gave a look of disgust from hearing the foods he listed.

"The cheeseburgers are likely going to be too greasy, the nachos would have processed cheese on it, and...fried twinkies? Are you serious?! Those shouldn't even be called foods!" She told Liam with a hand to her hip.

Liam just laughed in response.

"Would you rather get friend ice cream then?" He said jokingly.

"What? NO!"

"Come on, live a little! We're at an amusement park, it's all about indulging in some guilty pleasures!" he exclaimed towards her.

Hillary rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, "I rather get a salad," she said.

"Like fried salad?"

"NO! That doesn't even exist!"

"I don't feel hungry yet. I kind of have the urge to go on the pendulum ride," piped up Miranda.

Xavier turn to her in shock, "It seems we have the same thoughts my lady. I too want to go on the pendulum." He said.

Miranda blushed upon Xavier saying 'my lady'.

"I think I need to go somewhere to sit down," said Charles, "I still feel overwhelmed by the roller coaster."

Jennifer frowned, "Do you need someone to accompany you?" She asked.

"Oh no no no no! I'm fine!" Charles said quickly, waving off Jennifer's concern. "I'll just find a bench or something and catch my breath for a bit. You guys go ahead and enjoy the rides."

"Are you sure?" Jennifer insisted, her brow furrowing with worry.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine," Charles tries to reassure her with a weak smile, though his complexion still looked a bit pale.

"No, I'll join you. What if you passed out again?" Jennifer countered, her worry evident in her voice. "I don't want you to be alone in case something happens."

Charles hesitated, glancing at Jennifer with a mixture of gratitude and reluctance. "Really, Jennifer, I'll be okay," he insisted, trying to sound more convincing. "You don't have to miss out on the fun just because of me."

Jennifer shook her head firmly, determination flashing in her eyes. "I don't mind, Charlie. Your well-being is more important than going on some rides. We both can go find a bench."

As the others talk Judith glanced at Zayden, noticing his detached expression as he observed the exchanges between the group. She couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity about him, wondering what thoughts were running through his mind behind that stoic facade.

"You two hadn't provided your own inputs about what you want to do," Liam asked Judith and Zayden, "care to share?"

Judith turned her attention away from Zayden and smiled at Liam. "I'm up for anything, really. I'm just enjoying being here with all of you," she replied, her enthusiasm shining through.

"And Zayden?"

Zayden considered Liam's question for a moment before responding. "I don't mind either," he said calmly, his voice even and composed. "I'm open to whatever the group decides." He glanced around at the others, his expression unreadable as usual, giving no indication of any particular preference.

"Since everyone has different preferences, why don't we split up into smaller groups?" Liam suggested, looking around at the others. "That way, we can all do what we want without worrying about leaving anyone out. We can meet back here in, say, two hours?"

The idea seemed to resonate with the group as they nodded in agreement, considering the options.

"I'm in!" Judith exclaimed eagerly.

"Sounds good to me," Xavier chimed in, his eyes bright with anticipation.

Hillary shrugged, seeming indifferent but not opposed to the idea. "Sure, why not."

Miranda smiled, liking the idea of exploring with a smaller group. "Count me in too."

Jennifer glanced at Charles, who nodded in agreement despite still looking a bit pale. "Yeah, splitting up sounds like a plan," she agreed.

Zayden just shrugged.

Liam grinned, pleased with the group's response. "Great! Let's decide on our meeting spot first and then go off on our own little adventures. How about we split up with two in a group each?"


Back at the roller coaster Gabriel, Verona, and his friends had just finished their turn on the ride and went to their own open area opposite of where Judith and her friends are.

Gabriel also have the same idea as Liam.

"I hope you guys don't mind, but I think we should split up," he told the three guys.

"Split up? Why? I thought we are doing all the rides together?" Jericho inquired with a look of surprise.

"I just want to spend some quality time alone with my fiancee. Isn't it obvious Jericho?" Stated Gabriel with a raised eyebrow as he gently held Verona's hand.

"Um...yes, of course!" Jericho try to hide his envy.

"You guys are fine with it as well aren't you?" Gabriel says to Marko and Hollister.

The two guys bit their lips and reluctantly nodded.

"Sure." "It's fine." They said simultaneously.

Turning to his fiancee, Gabriel's voice softened, "Where do you want to go my love?"

Verona blushed prettily, " If it's okay with you, I want to go on the ferris wheel." She replied.

Verona's suggestion brought a smile to Gabriel's face. "Of course, my dear. Let's go on the ferris wheel," he replied warmly, squeezing her hand gently.

As they walked towards the ferris wheel, Verona couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment knowing that she had Gabriel by her side. She glanced back at Jericho, Marko, and Hollister, who were heading off in a different direction, and offered them a wave.

"Have fun, guys!" Verona called out cheerfully.

Jericho waved back, but there was a hint of longing in his expression as he watched Gabriel and Verona walk away together.

Marko and Hollister exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the situation before turning their attention to the attractions ahead.

Meanwhile, Gabriel and Verona continued on their way, looking forward to some quiet moments together amidst the bustling amusement park.

Next chapter will focus mainly on Judith and Zayden.

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