Tired of Life

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In the shadows, she quietly weeps,
A heart weighed down, where sorrow seeps.
Tired of the battles, her parents' strife,
Each clash a wound upon her life.

She's tired of striving, always to please,
Yet never finding her own inner peace.
Tired of feeling not quite enough,
In a world where expectations are tough.

Lost in a sea of fading affection,
She longs for love, genuine connection.
Tired of giving, with nothing returned,
Her soul aches for the love she's yearned.

Surrounded by faces, yet feeling alone,
Each bond shattered, each friendship blown.
Tired of being a bank, a mere resource,
In a world where kindness holds no force.

People-pleasing leaves her soul worn thin,
Seeking validation she cannot win.
Tired of wanting what's never been given,
In a cycle of longing, forever driven.

Striving for perfection, as a daughter she stands,
Yet her worth remains unseen, slipping through her hands.
Tired of feeling worthless, regretful, and small,
In a life where her dreams seem beyond recall.

Each day a struggle, each moment a fight,
As she battles the darkness, yearning for light.
Tired of being alive, yet still she strives on,
Hoping one day, her pain will be gone.

In the depths of her weariness, she finds her plea,
For a glimmer of hope, a chance to be free.
Tired of the darkness, she seeks the dawn's embrace,
Yearning for a brighter path, a gentler place.

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