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In the hallowed halls of youthful lore,
Two hearts entwined, love at its core.
In the University of Dreams they met,
Young lovers in university, love defined.

Misunderstandings, shadows cast,
Communication faltered, love amassed.
The whispers of doubt began to weave,
Love's flame constrained, yet love lingered, refusing to leave.

A scandal erupted, a tempest wild,
Their lives entangled, innocence defiled.
Situations cruel, life's cruel decree,
Tore them apart, a tragic legacy.

Families opposed, a rift too wide,
Love condemned, pushed to the side.
Attempts to move on, courage worn thin,
Haunted by moments, shared in the past,
A love forbidden, but forever to last.

Haunted by echoes of what could have been,
Two souls adrift, a love never seen.
In the quiet moments, each heartache unfurls,
As they long for the love that once ruled their worlds.

Yet destiny's hand, a harsh decree,
Keeps them apart, love's decree.
They yearn for a union, forbidden and true,
But family dictates what love cannot undo.

In the tapestry of time, threads remain,
Two souls bound, though paths now strain.
As life moves on, a bittersweet tether,
They carry the love that lasts forever.

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