Chapter 3: The last Marauders

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The daylight awaked Lily. For a brief moment, she thought that the horrible events from yesterday had been a horrible nightmare, and that she was going to find James groping with her hand. But she wasn't lying in bed at Godric's Hollow, near James. She had fallen asleep on the sofa in Severus' living room, without realizing it. He had even thought of covering her with a blanket so that she wouldn't catch cold. Suddenly, Lily remembered that she had left her son upstairs, in the room lent by the owner of the place. She stood up and discovered with astonishment that Severus was giving Harry the bottle in his chair. Her son was quietly suckling.

"Looks like you've been doing this your whole life." Lily remarqued.

Severus choked a sneer, and Lily could see an amused grin on his lips. She hadn't seen him smile in years.

"You don't know I've been trying to nourish him for an hour. I finally figured out how to do it."

"Is it your own bottle, or did you change a glass?" asked Lily.

"No, there's nothing left of my baby stuff here...and my Transfiguration skills are pretty limited. Dumbledore informed his allies that we needed some things for the little one. A certain Molly Weasley kindly put through the fireplace some clothes, several bottles, some toys, and some food. I understand she and her husband have many brats."

Lily rubbed her eyes and could see that it was just nine on the clock, resting on the fireplace.

"No doubt" contented herself with answering Lily, still sleepy. "But that's very kind of her."

"Some of your friends will come here today" announced Severus. "Lupin and Black."

It didn't seem to enchant him. Harry had finished drinking his bottle, and Lily felt obliged to tell Severus that her son had to burp to avoid reflux. But Severus didn't know how to do it.

"You must rub his back for a few moments... Otherwise, let me do it" she said as she was about to leave the couch.

"No, rest. I can take care of the kid."

Gently, he massaged the baby's back, holding it snuggled against his shoulder.

"Does it matter if he doesn't burp?"

"At best, he'll regurgitate on your redingote" dropped Lily.

Severus grimaced and stroked Harry's back slightly. The rot finally came, and Lily found that her friend was relieved to find no trace of milk on her black clothes.

The witch, who didn't wish to spend the morning sitting on the couch, took over and took care of her son. Severus prepared for her - an upstairs - a bath for Harry and put at her disposal the clothes graciously given by Mrs Weasley. Lily had noticed that Severus had taken advantage of the time, during which she had slept, to clean and tidy up his house thoroughly. It always seemed so dilapidate and outdated, but it was sparkling clean.

Shortly before eleven o'clock, two wizards appeared at number 394 of Spinner's End, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. Instinctively, Severus and his two old enemies drew their wands, as if a duel was inevitable.

"When Dumbledore told us that Lily and Harry were at Snivellus' I thought he was under Imperius!" said Sirius, with a black eye. "Or become senile!"

"Yes, are you surprised, Black?" replied Severus, a sardonic smile on his lips. "You see, I first thought you had sold your friends!"

"How dare you?!" bellowed Sirius.

Remus barely caught him as he planned to throw himself at Severus. At the same time, Lily, who was carrying Harry in her arms, appeared, and asked that the commotion cease.

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