Chapter 29

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I was sitting behind the closed door,resting my head on it.My breathe were uneven.She is not talking to me.

She doesn't wanna see me.
She wants me to leave.

Her words made my heart cleanched knowing I was responsible for this.

If only I was with her.

I sat there, my back against the cold, unyielding door, pleading for Aarohi to hear me out.

The fabric of my shirt clung to my skin, damp from the rain, but the discomfort paled in comparison to the ache in my chest.

Tears blurred my vision, a silent testament to the turmoil within. Time seemed to stretch into eternity, each second a dull throb against my temples.

Then, a faint sound pierced my despair-the twist of the doorknob. I leapt to my feet, heart hammering with a mixture of hope and fear.

The door creaked open, and there she stood, her eyes red and swollen, mirroring my own misery. Without a moment's hesitation, I pulled her into an embrace, feeling an inexplicable calm wash over me as I held her close.

But the moment was fleeting. Aarohi pushed me away gently, and I saw the pain etched on her face. "You are wet," she observed, her gaze falling on my soaked clothes. "I don't care," I replied, my voice hoarse, "all I care about is you."

I begged her to let me explain, to understand that she had misunderstood the situation. Reluctantly, she agreed to listen. Holding her hands in mine, I poured out my heart, explaining the forced encounter with the other woman's parents, how my father's ultimatum had threatened my place in the company.

"But now, I don't care if he throws me out, because all I care about is you," I confessed, feeling her gaze soften.

The weight of my confession pressed against my lips, a torrent of unspoken words that I had held back for far too long. "Aarohi," I began, my voice barely above a whisper, "there's nothing in this world that compares to the way I feel about you.

It's like I've been wandering in the dark, and you're the only light guiding me home. I need you more than I've ever needed anything in my life. You're not just a part of my day; you're the very essence of every breath I take."

I paused, gathering the courage to continue. "Every moment away from you is agony; it's like a part of me is missing. I want to hold you, to be the one you turn to for comfort, to be the reason for your smiles. The thought of you in pain, the sight of your tears, it tears me apart. I can't bear it because your pain is my pain. I want to be the one who wipes away your tears, not the one who causes them."

As I poured out my heart, I saw a myriad of emotions flicker across Aarohi's face-surprise, confusion, and then, slowly, understanding.

Her eyes, once red and swollen from crying, softened, and I could see the walls she had built around her heart start to crumble. The air between us was charged with the intensity of my words, and I could feel the connection that had always existed between us growing stronger.

"I love you, Aarohi," I said, the words resonating with the truth of my feelings. "I love you with a fierceness that consumes me. I promise, if you give me a chance, I will spend every day making up for the pain I've caused. I will cherish you, respect you, and love you, always."

Her reaction was the answer I had been hoping for. A single tear rolled down her cheek, not one of sorrow, but of relief. She stepped closer, her own confession mirroring mine, and in that moment, I knew that we were meant to be together. Our love was the kind that could weather any storm, the kind that would last a lifetime.

The truth spilled from me, a long and heartfelt confession, laying bare the depth of my feelings for her. As understanding dawned on Aarohi, she whispered an apology, and we shared our confessions, our hearts aligning in newfound harmony.

Then, our eyes met, and an unspoken agreement passed between us. I looked at her lips, and she gave a slight nod. My heart raced as I leaned in, and at last, our lips met in a kiss that spoke of nothing but love. It was a kiss that held our pain, our love, our misery, and our hope-a kiss that sealed our promises and healed our wounds.

The intensity of our kiss was a fervent declaration, a silent conversation where our lips spoke volumes. But as Aarohi gently tapped my shoulder, I realized she needed to breathe. Reluctantly, I broke the kiss, and we both gasped for air, our breaths mingling in the small space between us. Our eyes met, and in them, I saw a reflection of my own longing and desire.

This time, it was Aarohi who took the initiative, her fingers curling around the hem of my collar, pulling me towards her with a sense of urgency that matched the pounding of my heart. Our lips met again, and this kiss was different-it was desperate, a testament to the time lost and the emotions that had been simmering beneath the surface.

When I said,I am not experienced I didn't lied.I have never kissed anyone before.
This feels just like dream.
Because It's her.

I am with her.

I wrapped my arm around her waist, holding her tightly against me, as if she might vanish if I let go even for a second. Her body fit perfectly in my embrace, and I could feel the contours of her frame pressed against mine. In the midst of our passionate kiss, I heard her whisper, "I too love you." The words were like a balm to my soul, soothing the raw edges of my heart.

Her confession ignited a fire within me, and I deepened the kiss, pouring all my love, my need, and my desire into it. I wanted her to feel how much she meant to me, how she was the missing piece that completed my existence. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the two of us, lost in a world of our own, bound by a love that had finally found its voice.

 In that moment, nothing else mattered but the two of us, lost in a world of our own, bound by a love that had finally found its voice

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Ahem ahem!🌚
What do y'all think happened after。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。(Don't go far)

Here it iss!!!!

They kissed!!!!!

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If anyone really do comment their thoughts,in advance I love you💋

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