Chapter 40

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" Do you want to talk about what's happening at school?" I ask Jacob for the hundredth time .

He simply shakes his head, licking his ice cream happily . I don't know how many times I have tried to get him to talk to me, and each time, I never get a verbal response from him . I'm starting to think that this outing was pointless .

" Jacob  .." I grab his shoulder . He suddenly flinches, mumbling an ' ouch ' . " Are you okay?" I look at his shoulder to his blank face with concern .

" I'm fine ." He says dryly . Stomping ahead of me . There's something going on and I'm going to make it my goal to find out what it is .

I try to catch up with Jacob, the whole walk home, we don't say much to each other . Things aren't how they used to be between us.  In the past, Jacob would have told me an earful about everything that's happening in his life . He wouldn't even hesitate to tell me who he likes or doesn't like . This is different, I can feel it . When I look at him, I feel like there's so much he isn't telling me or his dad and it's weighing on his small shoulders .

When we arrive home, Jacob runs upstairs while I join Kagi in the kitchen . I find him with Kristen's daughter. 

" How was it?" Kagi questions me , immediately .

" It was alright , we will talk about it later ." I tell him . I would hate to tell him the truth . I know how he will react . It will hurt him more than anything .

" Thank you!" He shoots me a warm smile . I just nod . My eyes wander to Kristen's daughter, who's watching me under her long eyelashes .

All I see is the reason my father no longer believes in me , and that makes me more angry at the thought. I quickly divert my eyes to the cookies on the kitchen counter . The smell making me less angry somehow .

" We made some cookies, do you want to taste one?" Kristen's daughter appears in front of me with a wide smile .

She looks so much like me, there's no denying that . When she was little, she looked nothing like me and I wish it could have stayed like that . Perhaps when I look at her, I won't feel this pang of disappointment . All my genes wasted on a daughter my father will never accept . I would be stupid to go against him and accept this child that is considered an abomination .

" No..." I walk out of there. Immediately, I start to hear faint crying from the kitchen .

I could tell that it was her . I have heard her cries for me since she could talk . And every time, i didn't feel nothing . I feel nothing for the only child that is mine , biologically proven . And I hate myself for it, every passing day. I hate myself for wanting Jacob to be mine and wanting nothing to do with my own biological daughter .


" You know, you could at least try to get to know her ." Kagi says " She's so much more than Kristen's daughter or whatever your father has told you about her, she's so incr--"

" I don't feel like talking about that right now ." I grunt out .

" Marcus..."

" What do you want?" I glance over him by the door . He sighs heavily, walking inside my office and closing it behind him .

" How did the talk with Jacob go?" He slides down the chair across from me . His blue eyes stare at me with so much hope . How can I crush that? .

" It was great . He told me everything ." I lie through my teeth . Looking right into his eyes . Feeling nothing but determination to make Kagi feel less miserable .

" Yeah? What did he say about the bruises?" He leans on the table. His face clearer and less furrowing .

" They are from some new guy from school . I'm going to sort it out on Monday ."

" Oh that's....I don't know, I feel a sense of relief knowing that it's something that can be solved ." Kagi sits back on the chair, a small smile spread on his face .

I smile back, " I'm glad too ."

" And you should try with Katlyn. I mean it Marcus . You are her father and she adores you very much . Pushing her away is hurting her more than anything. "

" Okay..."

" Please, i know it's hard to look at her and not think about what your father said . However, it's not her fault that things are like this, that she's a--"

" She's not what I wanted . How can I love her?" I whisper.

" I believe that she's everything you ever wanted . Just spend one day with her and you will see , she's perfect ."

" You don't have to lie. "

" I'm not lying . It is the truth Marcus. " Kagi murmurs. 

I just shake my head, before I could say anything further .  The phone rings. I answer it without looking at the caller ID .

" Marcus . " Asher's cold voice is heard on the other side .

" Yeah?" I sit back on my chair . I mouth to Kagi that is work . He simply nods , and closes the door on his way out .

" Been passing by your house a lot . You seem happier . It's ironic ." He chuckles.

" So, what do you want?" I ask, confused and ready to hang up the cellphone.

" After what you have done to him Marcus, how can he choose you over me?"

" Are you drunk?" I sigh when he just keeps quiet" Listen Asher, I can't deal with your drunk as--"

" Even if it involves me telling Kagi the truth, about what you did to his family and the sister he thinks is alive?"

" I don't have time for your nonsense ." I hiss .

" Did he even tell you that he's looking for his sister? Oh I bet he didn't . Wait until he finds out that who he is looking for is dead  ."

" What the hell do you want from me?" I say through gritted teeth . " Why are you bringing this up now?" .

" It's either you tell him the truth about everything or I will , choose wisely big brother ." Then he hangs up .


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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