the first date • chapter six

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it had been over a month now since you had sex with her, you both wanted something more than just that so it had been agreed that today you two would go on a date.

 so you put on a suit, do your hair, put two rings on your two middle fingers on each hand and then you grab your shoes and leave hogwarts ready to go to this nice restaurant she picked out for you both.

people say its the best restaurant ran by wizards so your excited, as your flying on your broom you see people staring at you and saying how good you are. you ignore it and keep going.

you get there, it's swarmed with people so it might be hard to find hermione when suddenly you bump into her "oh there you are hermione I've been looking all over for you" you awkwardly laugh, she takes your hand and you both go inside.

she asks about the reservation and the waiter takes you both to the private area away from the public, the room is so beautiful, its just you two and it looks so beautiful almost like it the light's a deep blue moonlight with thousands of shining stars.

you take your seats and order. you order a steak with chips and she orders the same as you, your hands touch hers from across the table, past the gentle ginger-smelling candle.

you two talk about your childhood and what life was like before hogwarts, you found hermione's life so interesting especially because she has no wizard parents. 

after going back and forth for a while the food arrives, and its as good as people say it is. the chips were hot and cooked perfectly, and the steak was perfectly done and seasoned.

as your eating you notice your owl with a letter, you awkwardly stand up to get the letter "hm that's weird, I'm sorry hermione" you say embarrassed "its okay, come sit back down" she laughed. as you two finish your meal you notice four hours had passed so you both get ready to leave.

you both find a nice spot outside in the middle of the moonlight and lay a blanket onto the grass. you and hermione lie down looking up at the bright shining stars forming what looks like two people holding hands beautifully by the end of the night you two share a kiss and fall asleep in hermione's arms.

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