she notices you • chapter one

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seeing her on the other side of the Gryffindor table, her wavy hair, shining brown eyes and most importantly the way she talks, her soft sassy voice warms your heart up.

in this moment you get a sudden wave of jealousy and anger floats your mind as ronald weasly the ginger prick kisses hermione. you stop looking over there and eat the rest of your food. you kept thinking about how to get granger to breakup with ron to go and date yourself instead. 

it sounds delusional but you can see yourself marrying her. you are quite popular here at hogwarts, so she does know who you are which is a positive

"hey y/n are you okay, you look upset" you look up and its hermione granger. the girl you crushed on since first year "yeah I'm okay just missing my home" you lie.

she hugs you, and yes it made you feel 10 times better, all of the thoughts in your head just go quiet, then out of no where she says

"why don't you come and sit with us" "yeah thankyou hermione" you reply softly.

then you sit next to ron who isn't as bad as you thought but yeah your still jealous "so y/n I've noticed you don't really have many friends, why don't you be friends with us?" harry potter said

 with a bright smile on his face but that smile looked fake, so you give a fake smug look back. okay, i'd love to be friends with you three" you say brightly

actually screaming inside of happiness "oh my god i get to get closer with hermione and i also get to be nearer to potter for my plan and maybe that wild weasly?" you thought to yourself. 

anyways a few hours pass and then you hear someone, you get the suspision it was malfoy laughing and saying "mind where your going, you dirty mudblood" after that you hear tears and running getting closer and closer to you.

thats when hermione rushes past, so you stop her with your hands "hey hermione whats wrong" you said softly "didnt you hear. malfoys being an ass again" she said with aggresion, tears still rolling down her face, "hey why dont we go find ron and harry too cheer you up?" 

you say thinking itll work "no thankyou y/n i just want to be with you right now" she said smiling up at you, you were abit taken back by this considering she'd rather stay with you than her own boyfriend and best friend but you go on with it.

hermione granger x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now