Chapter 12: Touch to be Longed

Start from the beginning

"So tender..." Seungcheol murmurs under his breath, his fingertips trailing from Jeonghan's cheeks to his jawline, nearing his chin. Jeonghan inhales deeply, summoning the strength to maintain eye contact. A mere caress from Seungcheol threatens to reduce him to a quivering puddle of desire. May the heavens intervene on his behalf.

"Speak to me, my cherished rose... What secrets do your quivering lips hold?" Seungcheol's voice, a velvet whisper, cascaded through the room as he approached Jeonghan, whose body teetered on the edge of surrender, a mere breath away from the inviting bed.

"S-stay away..." Jeonghan's voice trembled, a delicate symphony of fear and longing as he pressed against Seungcheol's chest, the anticipation of their forbidden union electrifying the air.

"Hm... Should I? Should I forsake these walls, leaving them to reverberate with the melody of your ecstasy at my touch?" Seungcheol's breath brushed against Jeonghan's lips, his fingers tracing the contours of temptation as they pulled at Jeonghan's own.

Jeonghan's pride waged war against his primal desires, a silent struggle etched upon his features. His lips remained sealed, allowing Seungcheol to spin his assumptions, while he sought refuge by the window, a feeble attempt to steady the tempest raging within.

"You ventured to our royal flower sanctuary?" Seungcheol's inquiry lingered, the roses adorning the table bearing silent witness to their clandestine exchange. He plucked a single blossom, its petals a reflection of Jeonghan's flushed complexion, and closed the gap between them once more.

"Yes," Jeonghan confessed, his fingers trembling as he attempted to tame his unruly locks. Seungcheol's hands intercepted his, weaving strands of midnight silk into an intricate bun, a silent declaration of ownership.

"With whom?" Seungcheol's question hung in the air, his hands now intertwined with Jeonghan's locks, drawing him closer until their breaths intertwined, warm against the cool embrace of the window.

"With Prince Jisoo," Jeonghan admitted, surrendering to the vulnerability of truth as he melted into Seungcheol's embrace, their hearts pounding in synchrony amidst the backdrop of their forbidden desires.

Seungcheol's regal hands, adorned with the grace of a monarch, gently weave through the strands of Jeonghan's hair, like delicate threads of gold in a royal tapestry. With utmost tenderness, he places a rose amidst the ebony locks, adorning Jeonghan as if preparing a prince for his coronation.

Jeonghan's very being ignites under Seungcheol's touch, his body aflame with a longing to surrender completely, to yield to Seungcheol's every desire, to be claimed wholly by his beloved sovereign.

"The tour, was it satisfactory, my heart?" Jeonghan murmurs, his voice a soft melody echoing through the grand chamber, each word a note in the symphony of their intimacy.

"No, my liege, for they displayed not the tulips that rival your splendor," Jeonghan confesses, a spontaneous admission born of his yearning to keep Seungcheol enraptured in their shared moment, to revel in the closeness of their union.

"Truly? You favor tulips, my cherished rose?" Seungcheol's touch, akin to a gentle caress from the royal scepter, traces a path from Jeonghan's hair to his waist, settling upon him with a regal assurance that sends shivers of delight coursing through Jeonghan's veins. With a subtle squeeze, Seungcheol's command is felt, and Jeonghan willingly succumbs, his head finding solace upon Seungcheol's broad shoulder, his eyes fluttering shut in reverent bliss.

"Yes," he breathes, his knuckles turning porcelain beneath the weight of his fervent grip upon the window railing, a silent testament to the depth of his devotion to his sovereign lord.

"My rose," Seungcheol's voice, regal and commanding, caresses the air like a whispered decree, "I'll tell the gardeners to fill the garden with all the tulips of the world. Is that enough to please you?"

His lips, warm against the delicate skin of Jeonghan's bare neck, ignite a wildfire of sensation within him, causing his very essence to tremble with longing. Jeonghan's resolve wavers, his body melting into Seungcheol's embrace, held in place by the strength of his sovereign's arms.

As he reluctantly pulls away from the intoxicating touch, Jeonghan's heart pounds with a mixture of desire and apprehension. Yet, emboldened by the fervor of their connection, he meets Seungcheol's gaze with unwavering determination.

"I'll give you everything you want, everything you desire," Seungcheol vows, his voice a symphony of devotion. "Everything that you point your finger at, everything that you lay your eyes on, just name it, my rose..."



Hey guys,

I'm feeling pretty fed up with Wattpad lately. My book keeps getting booted off the charts, especially the Jeongcheol ones – and that's the ship I pour my heart into writing about. It's seriously annoying and gets me down when I'm putting in all this effort and not getting any love back.

I know I sound like an insecure, jealous writer, but that's honestly how I feel right now.

Do you know any other apps where I could publish my book? I need a fresh start somewhere that appreciates my writing. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks, everyone.

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