Before the orphanage

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Gracie's pov.
I was at the orphanage sleeping when i had a flash back.


Life was great! I was 3 and my parents were so nice to me. They gave me one present i could chose for my birthday even! When i just turned 3 i chose my present i wanted. I chose a Barbie doll with kens house. When i got home i played it for hours. My mom said she be back and she was going shopping while my dad stayed home to watch me. I said, "ok, bye bye mommy." But on the way to the store my mommy got in a extreme car accident and a semi truck hit her head on collision when she was on the highway. She died instantly. At the time when i went to the funeral i didnt understand that she was gone. When my mummy went into the ground i ran to the grave and pleaded that she wake up from her sleep. But nothing happened. She was gone. Forever. I went to my room that day depressed and cried my eyes out because of the stuff that happened. I didnt realize that my dad drank some stuff that made you act weird. My dad slammed the door open and i just stood there wide eyed and petrified. He came to me and started shouting random stuff to me. Like.. Gracie you bitch come to dad so i can set you straight because it was your fault that mom died. I just ran to the corner and hid because i had no idea what to do. But as i scooter closer to the wall dad came closer and closer. Until finally he grabbed my hair and dragged me up by it. It hurt so much i cried saying, "please dad dont hurt me im soo sorry dont hurt me please!!" But guess what he did next. He punched me in the stomach and threw me against the wall and i blacked out. Next thing i know i was with the police and my dad was taken away and he yelled if he ever find me he will kill me.

~end flashback~
Thanks again for reading please take the time to message any points you have about the story and please star the chapter if you liked it.

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