Episode 4: The French are perverts

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Life is beautiful.

I'm at the airport, I'm alive, and I haven't lost any kidneys.

Moreover, I have the opportunity to see what an airport looks like from the inside, and the first impression is nice. Beyond those doors, it's dark and cold, but here there's air conditioning and plenty of places to sit and catch a nap. About a quarter of the people around here are dozing off in their seats.

I'm feeling a bit hungry, but I don't see any vodka with tomato juice anywhere, so I'll settle for a double mayonnaise hamburger and a coffee. I sit down calmly and suddenly remember that I'm here for a reason: I need to go somewhere. Today!

But before I can decide between Dubai and Thailand, I'll flip through this pocketbook I bought from one of the stands.

I sip quietly from my coffee, glance at the wall clock showing 10:30 PM, then bury my nose in the book. The cover looks cool! Let's see what this thin novel is all about.

Hmm, although I don't consider myself very clever, I realize from the first few pages that it's a book with perversions and dark stuff. As I delve into the pages, I forget to drink my coffee.

The subject of the book is mundane and sad.

A virgin teenager ends up in a dark park. Logical!

She meets a handsome young man (they're always handsome). The guy invites the naive girl for a walk on a dimly lit path to explain his feelings for her.

Coincidentally, the young man is awaited at the end of the path by a friend of his (also handsome).

The girl finds out, one by one, that Santa Claus doesn't exist. Okay, I'll skip this page. And this one.

Aha, getting sadder: Out of embarrassment, she loses her mind, poor thing.

I quickly look at the cover. What's up with this author? What's up with this bull? Couldn't he find another subject? I think it would have been better to buy a newspaper. I would have found exactly the same things at a much lower price.

Anyway, I'll continue with this trash. The subject is kind of weird, but I don't like leaving things unfinished.

The unhappy girl ends up in chaos. Predictable! But that's not all. One of the young men learns firsthand what it means to throw it around, because the girl's father isn't dead, he's patiently lurking in the said park, and after a few weeks, he catches one of the scoundrels.

On the next page, I find out that the girl's father is a doctor. That explains everything. That's why the girl went for a walk in the park late at night. These doctors are so busy with their work that they don't have time to properly prepare their offspring for life.

Whoa... the rapist is sedated, kidnapped, taken to the doctor's house, chained in the basement, pumped with hormones, injected with all sorts of substances, and forced to take hundreds of pills and capsules.

These doctors... They're obsessed with their profession even when they want revenge. I've never had the opportunity to visit a doctor at his home, but now, after reading this, I'm not even tempted.

Okay, my coffee is finished. I'm a bit curious to see how the book ends, but I'm still going to get another coffee. Alright then! Caffeine! Now I'm wide awake and I'll stick my nose back into the book.

Good Lord! The doctor operates on the guy and changes his gender, after which he does inappropriate things with his new sex. Seriously?

"You filthy bastard! Haven't you heard of the Hippocratic Oath? What a crappy book!"

For me, it's clear: This writer is more deranged than his characters. I'll take another look at the cover and I realize right away: Aha, the guy is French. I suspected, but I wanted to convince myself.

It's known: all French people are perverts and only perverted writers are born among them. The Marquis de Sade is an example. This guy who wrote a book with rapes in the park, in the basement, and with cunning doctors is another example.

What? The doctor falls in love with the transsexual who raped his daughter?

"Jesus! Damn it! What a mess!"

Enough! I don't want to read another line. I bet it ends badly. All that's left is for the girl to leave the asylum and fall in love with her father!

But supposedly, this is a book written specifically to be read in airports, between two arrivals of planes and a glass of mineral water. But it's...

"It's crap! Damn it!"

"I kindly ask you not to swear."

The woman on the left looks at me angrily. There are two empty seats and a suitcase between me and her. I pick up the book and show her the title.

"Don't waste your money on this book!" I warn her. "It's a bad investment. I'm serious! It's written by a sex maniac, and on every page, you'll find at least 2-3 perversions."

"I'll keep that in mind," the woman responds with a bored air.

"One moment... did I swear?"

"Only every two minutes."

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