When will that ceaseless bickering stop?

You sat, eating the food provided by the goblin citizens. For a place that looks like it's just starting up, you were surprised to be served raw meat to cook on a grill plate reminiscent of the famous places you kept hearing about.

Also, thanks to the food, Volt had stopped messing with Mag, the hyperactive boy still energetically eating the cooked meat with a satisfied Rhino and calm Excalibur.

You stacked some cooked meat onto a plate and walked toward Mag, sitting away from the table and peering outside.

Hey, Mag. Do you want some?

You offered. Mag, whose eyes hadn't moved from what she was staring at, simply nodded and took the plate off your hand. You sat beside her, having gotten your fill already.

You were right.


You tilted your head, looking at her. She pointed outside.

You were right about the wolves.

You looked at where she was pointing and saw the wolves working harmoniously with the goblins.

I'm not sure those are the same wolves...

You scratched your head but got a chop on the shoulder by Excalibur.

But yes, even if they're not the same wolves, you must understand that they're just trying to survive. We are the same, after all.

Like I said before, we have the right to defend ourselves just like anyone, but once the enemies have retreated or surrendered, would it still be considered defense for us to continue?

You explained, feeling Mag rest her head on your shoulder as she slowly ate.

Those wolves we saw were hungry. If it were not for Lotus' interference. Then, unfortunately, we would not be there, and Rhino would've died. But that's just the course of the world.

We defended ourselves and lived; the wolves lost their prey and were beaten, but they lived. Should they be killed for simply wanting to survive?

You asked. Mag shook her head.

I guess not. But what about those bandits that want us? Are they also part of it?

You breathed out as you ready yourself to answer her questions.

No. Unlike beasts and mons-...

You stopped yourself, seeing the goblins and wolves.

Shit. I can't use that analogy here...

You coughed.

What those bandits are doing is not for their survivability; it's for greed.

Unlike those wolves who need to hunt to survive and sustain themselves, those people do not need to sell or capture others to survive.

That should suffice.

You happily thought as Mag nodded.

So, we can kill them?

You almost choked in your spit at that question.

How can she ask that in such a sweet tone!?

Only when it is necessary. We have escaped for now; if the bandits continue to chase us until we're backed up in a corner, only then will we have permission to retaliate.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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