Chapter 2

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A yawn escapes your lips as you walk with the kids outside the Kingdom.

We're going a little bit too far from home. Are you guys sure this is safe?

You nervously say, looking back to see how far you've traveled.

How do you guys even know where this next kid is?

Excalibur glances at Mag and sees the irritation on her face. He signals to Volt before walking closer to Mag.

Calm yourself, Mag.

Excalibur says.

Remember, he isn't accustomed to this life yet. Also, the Lotus told us that our Caretaker will not be from this world, remember?

Mag sighs.

I know... I- I wish Lotus would just let me be in charge. I can handle myself.

And why can't they be from this world? Wouldn't it be better if our Caretaker had at least some knowledge?

She whines, daring to shout but still holding herself back.

I'm sure the Lotus knows what she's doing. Do you think she'd pick just anyone to be our Caretaker?

Excalibur asks. Mag stays quiet, ignoring the piercing stare from Excalibur before giving up and nodding.

And besides, I know you'd never handle being our Caretaker.

Excalibur says, offending Mag.

I can. I'm absolutely sure I can keep you in line.

She answers with pride, giving a chuckle to Excalibur.

You keep me in line because I let you. Can you keep Volt in line?

Excalibur asks. Mag turns around, watching Volt zip around you. Seeing him so reckless and carefree irritates her.

She looks at you, happily conversing with Volt as if his powers are the most regular thing you've seen.

Mag turns around, still in denial.

I liked our previous Caretaker.

I know... I did too.

While they are conversing, you find the time to ask Volt some questions about the mission you're doing right now.

You smile even though you fear as your mind wanders off into how you get Warframes in the game.

Oh god! Do I have to find pieces of a kid's body and sew them together?

The thought of it is almost making you hurl.

We actually feel where the next one is... like we're connected with the Lotus, and she's telling us where.

Volt answers your previous question about finding the next kid. While he talks really fast, you understand it, finding it funny as he resembles those kids back at the daycare center when they would tell you of a cool thing they've experienced.

Umm... this Lotus, who is she?

Volt suddenly shuts up and stops dead in his tracks. He stands there, eating up your question.

You knew of the Lotus, but it seems what she is in the game isn't as similar to the one in this world.

I... I- I don't know.

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