Leo is only 6 months and this boy can fucking eat, he has Josie's appetite for real. Josie playing The Division 2 on her Ps5.

Right now, Josie is currently suspended for fighting, of course she got into a fight with Landon. And Josie hates him.

He started some shit with Josie and he got his ass kicked. Landon had said something about her dead mother Josette, that set Josie off.

Landon only got kitchen duty while, Josie got a weeks suspension and that's not fair, just because Landon is on the football team.

Josie pauses her game and carefully lays Leo beside her.

Josie gets up and walks over to her mini fridge and pulls out some water. Josie chugs it, not realizing how thirsty she was.

Someone knocks on her door, Josie opens it and it's Caroline.

"Hope is here." Caroline said.

"She can come in." Josie said walking back over to her bed.

Josie sits down and waits for Hope to come in, the auburn haired girl walks in and sees Leo sleeping beside Josie.

"Hey." Hope greets Josie as she closes the door.

Josie looks at her. "What's up, Hope?"

"I just came to get Leo." Hope said.

Josie scoffs. "He's sleeping, and you know he hates it when he's woken up out of his sleep."

Hope sighs. "Josie, I'm too tired to argue tonight."

Josie shrugs. "It's my week with him anyway, why are you here to get him?"

Hope clears her throat not wanting Josie to get pissed. "Landon wants to take us to the beach."

Josie raises a brow. "Who's us? What does that have to do with Leo?"

"He wants to Leo to come with the both of us." Hope said.

Josie chuckles darkly. "Hold on." Josie walks out of her room to go get Caroline.

Caroline comes back in. "I'll take Leo." Caroline picks him up and he snuggles into her.

Caroline walks out of Josie's room knowing it's about to get ugly in there.

Josie walks back into her room and slams the door.

"What do you mean, Landon wants to take our son to the beach?" Josie spits out angrily.

"Josie, he's my boyfriend and I'm allowed to have our son around him." Hope reminded her.

"That's fine, yeah, but him taking our son to the beach, that's my job, Hope. That motherfucker is not his daddy!" Josie yells angrily.

"I know he's not, but he helps." Hope said.

"Excuse me?!" Josie snarls.

Hope licks her lips. "He's helped me with Leo. He wants to be in his life. He wants us to meet his parents Josie."

Josie chuckles darkly. "Hope, are you trying to play me?"

"Josie, I'm not. It not fair that Landon can't do things for our son." Hope snarls at her.

"Leo is not his, he's our child. We made him together Hope! You don't see me having a girl who I've slept with trying to take our son out on trips and shit! You'd be pissed if I had done that. Be honest, would have you liked that, if Penelope or Jade asked me to go somewhere and took Leo with us?" Josie asked angrily.

Hope looks away. "No." Hope said honestly. "You're right, I would be pissed."

"My point, and what made you think, that I wouldn't be?" Josie asked.

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