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  This is the legend of how I died.

A bittersweet tragedy if I were to describe it. I'm not angry or upset or really anything. It was simply inevitable. All things must come to an end.

I had existed for far far too long. Separated from the one I love most.

But this story isn't about me. It won't be told by me either. As complicated as it may be, it's about my murderer whom I had met nearly one a year ago.

A nice kid really. Pushed way beyond his limits trying to protect what he held dear to him. A noble choice. After all, I had done the same.

Fate has a fickle way of weaving tragedies into our very core.

To give some clarity I must tell some of my side of the tale. The part that had already been written into my long-forgotten history up until this point of time.

I had been alive for some time when I met the two of them. Some odd hundred years. I was once again curious to see how the world had changed. I did this quite often.

Spent some time amongst other humans, even though I might not count as one anymore. Spent some time alone. Repeating across the centuries.

During my final venture amongst people before The Surge I had met my last friend. A father and his son. It was a long time before they figured out my secret. They were one of the few that didn't abuse it. Honestly, I was baffled.

But, the peace never lasts long.

A child's imagination is a curious thing. From that single sentence, a near doomsday was born.

Fire and flashes of lightning rained from the heavens. The highest category hurricanes and tornadoes ripped through places that had never experienced such disaster. Earthquakes and tidal waves ate away at the lands.

Antarctica had sunk. Continents collided. Mountains formed while others sunk. Cracks scarred the earth. Monsters in human form plagued the planet.


The earth's population had almost eradicated both humans and animals alike once the dust had settled. It was still not enough to kill me.

I wished it had been enough to kill me. After all, I had created this destruction.

Time stops for no one. Death is its ever-patient companion. Life always finds a way. Growth and change had started once more.

A new age had begun. Cores. The superhuman society had begun.

It didn't take them too long to try to find me. After all, who wouldn't want my power?

I grew tired of people asking for things from me. Take. Take. Take. That's all they ever did. Then they took some more.

The last friend I had ever made had survived by some miracle. He tried to help. I suppose it was out of pity.

He proposed a contest. A tournament of sorts. I'd be left alone for all but one day a year. A perfect solution... or what seemed to be one. I wonder if I would have still agreed had I known what atrocities I would see.

I watched as the years rolled by. Watching. Waiting. Watching some more. Time fell through my being like sand. Eating away at myself. Slowly. Painfully. I had been counting the grains one by one.

There was no prophecy. No chosen one. Nothing to save me. I was waiting for an end to come.

I lost most of my memories to time. Eventually, I couldn't remember my own name. Wishmaker was the current nickname the people of this generation had been calling me.

Even though they have their own powers, their own abilities to change their circumstances. They still desire mine, thinking that I'd be able to fix everything.

Despite the horrors of humanity, there was one who restored my faith in people. There is a name I will always remember. I'll etch it into the stars which tomorrow I will return to.

I truly thank you. And I hope that you can live with the decisions that you've made.

Best wishes to you Jasper,

From The Wishmaker

  This Prologue is set in the future a year from the events of the main characters' storyline, but it will make sense as the storyline progresses, I promise 😅

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