"Do you not yet know? Everything is beautiful at God's time. The fact you are here today and have received Christ just as your King has, do you not see how much God loves you?" Shiphrah was amongst the voices of the two men. I didn't know where she was coming from, but it seemed she had ventured deep within the cave.

"How is that even possible? It just seems to me that my problems went from one hundred to one thousand. Why all of these challenges?!" Troy's voice was coarse and gravelled.

"I'm not going to lie, even my own challenges have caused me to search for understanding and patience." Mark faced Shiphrah as she sat down on the cold, hard ground.

Shiphrah contemplated deeply and intently before she thoroughly answered Troy and Mark's doubts, "Remember what Prophet John-David taught us, God may permit trouble in the life of a believer in order to strengthen our desire for him (Prophet Leslie, A Greater Reason Not To Be Troubled In Your Hearts Sermon)." Her hair danced against the winds as a lily would turn at the sprinkles of a tender shower.

"I'm afraid of the King." Troy reasoned with Shiphrah and I felt compassion for the man. He seemed innocent in the tragic separation of Kristina and I's marriage.

"Scripture says 'No temptation has overtaken you except as is common to man; But God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it." (1 Corinthians 10:13)" Shiphrah calmed the situation and both Mark and Troy's tense stature relaxed tremendously.

"How am I able to overcome this?" Troy asked as he shot from his seated position and knelt before Shiphrah as though he searched for all the answers he could possibly ever receive.

"Simple, through the Word of God." Shiphrah hummed.

"How does reading the bible pertain to him solving his woes with Kristina and the King?" Mark sat up cross legged.

"Does not David say in Psalms 37:4, 'Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart?' In other words, Make God's Word your heart's delight and in turn God will give you your heart's desires (Prophet Leslie).-

So Prophet John-David was right to say that everything is indeed beautiful at God's time and effortless. Why? Because God will continue to unfold events until His purpose is fully revealed (Based on multiple sermons by Prophet Leslie)."

"Troy is afraid his past is chasing him." Mark gently tapped Troy as he gripped his hands against the concrete.

I peered further over one of the rocks to see Shiphrah gracefully sheltering herself against the calm winds.

"I'm not afraid my past is chasing me; MY past literally is chasing me." Troy didn't speak much unless it was necessary, so it surprised me to see him so engrossed in this conversation.

"I think maybe, let us consider what our lord's lady is teaching us and run with it." Mark spoke in response to Shiphrah. However, my heart struck as my foot kicked against a pebble, quieting their conversation. I raced back to the makeshift camp where I feigned sleep. Not too long after that, I felt the hand of Shiphrah slightly shaking me, so to complete it, I faked a yawn as I got up.

"It is time that we depart as was given instruction by the Lord." Shiphrah advised. Everyone grabbed their belongings and prepared for the journey ahead; We adventured west to enter into the palace premises.

I chose this moment to also contemplate further on Troy's matter as the silence of the journey welcomed reflection. Was he truly as innocent as he claims to be? But he confided in his closest companion which made me think twice against his reproach.

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