"Well... This definitely is not the most normal relationship I have ever had. Usually it takes months before we start talking about marriage." I commented light heartedly.

"You should read the story of Issac and Rebekah." Prophet John-David backed Puah.

"I have heard of this one." Stephen pitched in. Max shrugged his shoulders before pulling out a mini notebook and pen. How that fit in his pocket, I don't know.

"Good, but let me enlighten everyone else on this subject." Prophet John-David started.

"After the death of Sarah, Abraham's wife, Abraham sent one of his most trusted servants to find a wife for his son Issac. He sent his servant and warned him not to accept any one of the daughters of the Canaanites but the daughters of Abraham's native country. So His servant went and rested at a well where the young women came and drew water.-

He asked God to be kind to his master and show him a sign in which he will know that a certain woman was the one God has sent for his master's son. It did not take long for Rebekah to come and it turned out that she was the one approved by God. They rested one day and left the next. She then married Issac very shortly after that."

The silence after that was deadly.

"OkAyyy" John muttered awkwardly.

"That's some deep level of trust." Luke scratched his arm.

"That really happened?" Stephen folded his arms as he leaned against the wall.

Mark shuffled away from Troy despite the cool characteristics he gave.

Troy seemed very tense and I couldn't figure out why.

"Sounds to me like an arranged marriage." I told Prophet John-David and I felt Shiphrah tense beside me.

She did not look once in my direction but kept her gaze fixed on the floor with her hands held firm together.

"I mean, it was arranged by God, so I like to look at it as a God ordained marriage." Puah was the one who said this as Shiphrah turned to gage my reaction.

I nodded my head as I remembered what Prophet John-David did tell me: not to waste time weighing whether it is a good fit or not.

But I don't think he meant to rush the process as I understood by his many teachings that I should rather value processing over result (Prophet Leslie).

"I guess when God is the one who does something, there is no real reason to question it." I held Shiphrah's hand and she let go.

Not understanding her gesture, I questioned her motive before she told me that it was too soon to hold hands.

She was definitely not like the girls I'd ever met. She was an entirely different breed and species.

I simply just accepted it and allowed her to be comfortable with me.

"You kids go out now and spend a bit of time together. Get to know each other." Prophet John -David stood up and I nodded in affirmation.

"What about the children?" Shiphrah reasoned.

"Stay in an attitude of prayer, but for now you also need to do what you have been called to do." Puah comforted Shiphrah in a graceful embrace before ushering us out the door.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked Shiphrah as we sat in my car. Troy and Luke waited for us to start the engine in the other car behind us.

"Where do you want to Gooo?" She smiled at me and I looked at her sideways.

"I don't know this town," I laughed and she rolled her eyes.

"Since I am your last resort, let us go to this nice restaurant called Abiah." She searched on her map for the directions before reaching out for mine.

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