This man spoke in parables, much like that which is written in the Bible. I did not understand his way of speech.

John-David touched my head again and I felt something unearthly and electric.

Now he addressed Gabriel after me.

"There is a journey before you that has left you lonely." He spoke to my brother. "They want everyone to marry and remarry and in the end be disappointed. This is a crisis." John-David Prophesied.

I couldn't believe what was happening. It was as if he was revealing deep secrets of our family. Gabriel was speechless for a second before he too also confirmed.

"That is true." He too confessed as the journalists captured the scene in writing.

"You must find this lady, who disappointed you. There is a need for settlement" He therefore laid hands on my brother before he spiritually assessed the both of us yet again.

"Don't worry, because it is God's appointed time, what they wanted has been rubbished. God is on your side...You will now both begin to uncover deep mysteries that have been hidden much, such as is a life time in hopes and fulfillment of peace." He was very firm in his speech as he held both our hands together and swiftly let go so that he may continue attending to the people.

By the time the service had ended hours later, I sat in a seat outside, reflecting on what John-David said to me.

Gabriel came up to me sipping a hot beverage in his right hand, held two sandwiches in his elbow and gripped onto another hot beverage in the other hand.

I was happy to see that the cups were plain, and simple white cups, and not the usual ones that came with mysteries and faint heartedness.

He gestured for me to take my cup and after I did, he handed me a sandwich.

He sat next to me and I inspected my hot beverage. He exhaled deeply in relaxation before sipping his beverage again.

The milky dark brown substance and sweet aroma caused my tongue to protrude more saliva. Caramel Cappuccino, one drink that caused me to be more content and satiated.

I sipped onto it, cautious of its temperature, before taking a bite of my turkey and ham sandwich.

"They call him Prophet John-David-" Gabriel mumbled with his mouth full of a large bite of bacon and cheese sandwich. "-Sort of not that hard to believe but surprising." He took a swig of his cooled drink and bit his sandwich again.

"And they call you prince despite the mouth full of food." I murmured and nudged his shoulder for him to act more polite.

"Sorry, I was starving. The service was impeccably long and exhausting." He breathed once he swallowed all contents in his mouth.

"If you're exhausted, imagine all those servants who work in this church. I haven't seen anyone of them sit down at all." I chirped.

"Shhh, they call them Christworkers and they have sharp ears." Gabriel hushed quietly as a couple rushed past us with a few of the Christworkers. "Anyways, John-David is a prophet." He continued.

"The man is intelligent. I knew there was something about him the moment we first met him face to face," I answered Gabriel in a gentle manner.

We have heard of the Prophets of old, especially in the history of all royal subjects throughout the centuries and ancient times, and most recently, in the Bible.

However, no one I knew actually believed they still existed, not even the great historians knew of any current prophets.

But it was then that I realised what he had said previously about his mentors and brethren.

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