"The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom,

and to shun evil is understanding." (Job 28:20, 28)

Our whole duty to God was summed up in Deuteronomy 10:12 when it was written:

"And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul."

In these uncertain times, God's wisdom becomes all the more precious to guide our hearts and strengthen our resolution. So, when you pray, ask God to give you the most precious gift: the gift of the fear of the Lord.

Come, Holy Spirit and grant me the gift of the fear of the Lord." (Prophet TB Joshua)

I was surprised to know that the man whom we'd lived with for several days was the man on the pool pit.

"Did you know that he was the preacher?" Gabriel harshly and discreetly uttered. I shook my head and honestly muttered, "I did not know that."

The girls had gone to Sunday school, a kids church program during service.

I had written down everything John-David said in my journal as he spoke into the mic, addressing the congregation.

I was surprised to see quite large number of people. Everyone seemed very humble and attentive to listen to what this man had to say.

When the sermon finished I thought that the service had also finished.

I was completely and utterly wrong. Never have I ever attended or known of a service exceeding past midday. I was completely and subconsciously wrong about going home early to eat lunch.

But as the service continued, something familiar, written in the bible happened. John-David began to lay hands and heal the sick.

Like a shepherd, He acted as a channel of shining light in the darkness of the lives of the sheep who came to him.

He touched the heads of the people, and so evidently addressed the heart.

Some manifested, others vomited, and there were many testimonies.

He prophesied to a number of people and gave heavenly solution to many people's problems.

My heart palpitated when he neared us. As if someone else, unseen, had already touched me, I was filled with something new and fresh.

He touched our heads and then our chests before he moved onto the people beside us.

As he went down the aisle the ushers and ministry journalist team, followed him, catching people and capturing every word spoken and received by the people.

Then, he came back to us.

He addressed me tenderly. "There is a recurrence of many dreams." To simply put it, I was surprised as I had not directly told anyone what was in my dreams or that I had dreamt.

It was as though he knew everything I didn't and everything I did know.

"That is true." I confirmed much like as those whom he also prophesied to.

"There is a lady that must find you and you must find her because I hear bells ringing. Did you hear what I said?" His voice was warm and vibrant, as if happy at the news he spoke of.

I wasn't quite too sure on what he meant and I believe he understood what I was thinking as he further elaborated on what he was saying.

"You must remain here because I see and hear bells ringing" He gave me a very warm and cheerful smile as everyone excitedly clapped at the news I was still processing and attempting to understand.

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