Suddenly there was a knock at my door, I jumped away as it started to open and several maids and men in suits filed in with suitcases and suitcases of things. I realized in a moment that they were my things. They all unloaded and just as quickly as they came in they left, leaving me with my bags and the foreboding silence.

The thing about me is that I am that person when staying in a hotel will unpack their whole suitcase and fill the dresser, closet, etc. But this time felt different. I stood there staring at my bags for what felt like an eternity. Do I unpack? Is that admitting defeat? Should I just make myself comfortable while I can?

Again overwhelmed with questions. I decided to unpack, if nothing but to avoid the anxiety that would come from being in a room with a bunch of bags blocking everything. I took the bags to the closet one by one. It was big enough to fit all 3 of my large suitcases with space to spare, I was quite shocked. Inside the closet were several large inserts, places for hanging, an entire section for shoes, and anything else I could want or need. Yet it all came with a bitter sting because clearly, I did not choose to be here.

I dumped everything out of the bags and made piles in which to organize them, shirts, jeans, sweaters, etc. Once sorted I began to fold or hang accordingly and it was about 2 hours later when I was satisfied with how everything looked.

Everyone in my life knew I was a clean freak, so having at least this made me feel a little better. My attention was drawn to the bedroom door when I heard a knock, I didn't move to answer it.

"Hey open the door!" Some random person demanded. I decided to stay in the closet, they no doubt had a key and would get in easily, but I also had no intention of making this easy considering the situation.

I heard the door open and a few people walk in. I walked out slowly and crossed my arms.

"Can I help you?" I asked unwavering.

"Didn't you hear us knock?" The guy asked.

"I did." I replied. He gave me a look.

"Uh, ok. My name is Duke, this is Ambrose, and Spencer. If you need anything just ask one of us."

I nodded. I really wasn't in the mood to speak with anyone.

He scratched his head and stood there awkwardly, "well can I get you anything? Food? Drinks?"

"I'm fine."

"Er- ok. Well Lincoln should be around soon so make yourself at home."

"If it's all the same I'd rather NOT see or speak to him." I replied shortly.

Duke was about to say something when another presence entered the room, dressed in a perfectly tailored suit with perfectly styled hair. Lincoln.

"Sorry to disappoint princess." He winked and I glared. "This is how it's going to be." He was loosening his tie and handing his jacket to one of his minions. "You do not leave this house, you do not interact with the outside world without permission, trying to escape is futile. I have guards surrounding this property as well as 24 hour surveillance." He made eye contact with me as his voice got more serious, "and under no circumstance do you entertain the notion of being with another man."

I practically laughed out loud and I could see his surprise, "what do you think this is, the 1800's? What makes you think I won't call the police? What make's you think I don't walk out of here with you being taken away to prison for human trafficking and enslavement!? You do not OWN me! I am not your PROPERTY!"

He smiled as he looked down to the ground then back at me, "if that's how you feel Miss Williams, then please by all means," he moved out of the way of the door and raised his arm to show that he was allowing me to go.

I was confused, but was not about to let that stop me. I grabbed my handbag and stared him in the eyes as I walked passed him and out of the bedroom, a smile plastered on his face the entire time.

"But I would not advise it. Your leaving would put your father in a rather large... Predicament."

I froze, my back towards Lincoln. How could I have forgotten about that? That's how he got me here in the first place. I turned towards him and crossed my arms.

"So what is it exactly hmm? This "debt" you have against my father. He is a legitimate business man, I have no reason to believe he has had any dealings with the likes of you" I seethed.

"Much has changed in your absence. Your father... Didn't deal with your mothers passing as well as he may have led on"

"Don't you DARE speak about my mother!" I got close to him; fully intending to land a punch on his pretty little face, however I was met with two strong hands holding back either one of my arms. Lincoln slowly walked towards me.

"I don't think you're ready to hear who your father really is... So why don't you leave that rock unturned for now." He smirked.

"So blackmail then? That's what this has resorted to. You think I won't leave to protect my family."

"Won't you?" He cocked his head, "door's always open Devon, just remember your beloved father will lose much more than just his business and money if you do." He turned and walked away, his posse following him as I was left alone in my doorway. "Join us for dinner if you wish!" He hollered back at me. I returned his invitation with the slamming of my door.

My PossessorWhere stories live. Discover now