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Sam and Melanie strode into their father's room; the girl bearing a duffel bag upon her shoulders. Sam proceeded to gaze at the window, while Melanie remained riveted upon the floor, her gaze remaining fixated on the ground as she stood right beside her brother.

"You are quiet." John's soft and subdued voice emerged, as he glanced towards the pair of siblings that had just entered the room.

Sam turned around, and Melanie's gaze settled upon her father. The girl proceeded to throw the bag she was carrying onto the bed with a loud crash, her demeanor visibly indicating her indignation and anger.

"Did you think we wouldn't find out?" The young girl voiced her question with an irritated and incensed tone, her sharp eyes bearing a rather accusatory glare towards her father.

"What are you talking about?" John replied, remaining calm and nonchalant.

"That stuff from Bobby, you don't use it to ward off a demon. You use it to summon one. You're planning on bringing the demon here, aren't you? Having some stupid macho showdown?!" Sam voiced his accusations, his voice conveying a mixture of anger and confusion.

"I have a plan." John's even, calm, and unhurried tone served as a stark contrast to his son's previous accusations, as he replied to them in a manner that indicated that he wasn't particularly phased by them.

"That's exactly my point!" Sam's voice rose to a raised volume as he continued to vehemently express his sentiments, his anger and frustration apparent. "Dean is dying, and you have a plan!"

"You care more about killing this demon than you do saving your own son!" Melanie's voice joined her brother's, the girl voicing the same sentiments while her tone was imbued with rage and irritation.

"Do not tell me how I feel!" John's tone became decidedly sharper and more pointed, as he proceeded to voice his exasperation with his children's assumptions. "I am doing this for Dean."

"How? How is revenge going to help him?" The blonde queried, her voice expressing a clear note of disdain and suspicion at her father's statement, with her eyes darting away from his gaze towards the ground. "You're not thinking about anybody but yourself. It's the same selfish obsession I escaped from!"

"You know, it's funny." John replied, his voice taking on a hint of sardonic humor. "I thought it was your obsession too. This demon killed your mother, killed your girlfriend." His outstretched pointer finger then shifted towards his son, as he concluded, "You begged me to be part of this hunt. Now if you had killed that damn thing when you had the chance, none of this would have happened."

"Don't you try to turn this against him!" Melanie pointed a finger towards her father, as she proceeded to defend her brother's earlier actions with an indignant tone. "It was inside you. He would've killed you too!"

"Yeah, and your brother would be awake right now." John returned back to his previously measured demeanor, his tone remaining steady as he returned to voicing his own opinions.

"Go to hell." Both Sam and Melanie voiced their reply in unison, their respective tones displaying a sense of rage and anger as they uttered the words.

"I should have never taken you along in the first place. I knew it was a mistake, I knew I was wrong –" John's sentence was interrupted by the sudden and unexpected shattering of a glass on the ground, the sound reverberating through the room and prompting all parties to gaze around themselves with a curious look.

Nurses and doctors suddenly began rushing through the hallway, their hurried pace and the hurried tone of their voices indicating that something was amiss.

"Something's going on out there." John's head shifted in a quick move, as he indicated to his two children that it was now their responsibility to go and ascertain what the matter was. Sam and Melanie proceeded to tail the doctors, who rushed past them into the room in which Dean was contained, their urgent pace betraying the severity of whatever emergency occurred within.

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