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I awake finally in the hospital very confused of where I am. I open my eyes to see darkness thinking it must be the middle of the night. I look round the room and notice I'm in a hospital bed with bandages wrapped around my arms. I'm in so much pain but I push through it. I notice that Harry is asleep in the chair next to me.

"H-Harry" I say just loud enough for him to hear me

"Lou" Harry says coming over to me

"Hi" I say

"Hi my love. I'm so glad that your okay" Harry says holding me

"Wh-what happened" I say

"Y-you um cut your arms so deep you needed stitches" Harry says

"Oh" I say not knowing what to do

"I'm just glad you're okay. I was so worried you weren't going to make it" Harry says and kisses my head.

"I'm sorry. Once I heard wha they said on the news I could stop. I wasn't even thinking. I didn't know what I was doing" I say with tears running down my face

"It's okay love. Your safe now" Harry say wiping the tears off my face

"Are you feeling okay my love" Harry asks me

"My arms really hurt" I say

"Okay let me go and get a nurse" Harry says

Harry got up off the edge of my bed and when tout of the room to grab a nurse. He walks back in with a nurse and we start talking a little. She gives me some pain medicine and then leaves. The pain medicine makes me so sleepy that I can't keep my eyes open. As I'm closing my eyes I feel Harry kiss my forehead. I wake up the next morning and look over at the clock that sits on the nightstand next to my bed. I see that it's 12 pm already. I turn around in my bed to see Harry awake and on his phone.

"Hi" I say

"Good morning my love" Harry says

"When can I go back home" I ask

"They said you can go home tomorrow with close supervision" Harry says

"Okay. I just want to lay in my bed with you" I say

"You can lay with me for as long as you want" Harry says

just then a doctor walks in and over to the edge of the bed near Harry and I.

"Good afternoon gentlemen" The doctor says

"Hi' I say

"How are you feeling today" The doctor says

"I'm okay just in a little pain" I say

"Well as you know your in the hospital because of an incident that happened last night" I doctor says while giving me more pain medication.

"Yeah" I say

"We are letting you go home tomorrow but we are prescribing a few different pills for you to take. They might make you tired for about a week at first but that just means they are working" The doctor says

"Okay " I say

"I will be giving you these to hold onto for him and make sure he take these 3 pills twice a day" The doctor says handing the pills over to Harry

"Okay" Harry says

The doctor then leaves the room and closes the door behind him. I turn over in my bed to face Harry again and he places his hand on my face. He rubs his thumb alone my cheek until I close my eyes and fall back to sleep.

The Boy in my Band (Larry)Where stories live. Discover now