35. God, Please Forgive Those Who Doubt Me

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With trembling hands I picked up his phone and scrolled through the page too scared to protest.

There it was in huge letters.

"Noah Sebastian of Bad Omens newly engaged to a coke whore!"

My stomach dropped.

It showed photos of Noah proposing to me on stage and it talked about the nights events. I scrolled a little further and my fears came to fruition. It was the photo of me, leaned over a table, snorting coke at the party. In very small print, it read "Photo Credit: Ryan Sitkowski". I slowly raised my eyes to look at Noah even though I truly just wanted to disappear forever.

"This is what you do while I'm on stage?! You're doing drugs and around random guys and making me look like a goddamn IDIOT?! And of all fucking people you're doing coke and still hanging with RYAN?!"

All I could do was remain quiet as my eyes became glazed over with tears. The jig was up and I had no words to save myself.

"You've been fucking lying to me for months! I knew it! I knew this whole goddamn time! Your constant huge pupils and glassy eyes...you constantly falling asleep on me during the day! My missing money!"

My mouth opened a little bit, wanting to speak but the ability to form any kind of words that would help the situation was not existent.

"Yeah, that's right! I know you stole money from me too, Eve! I was going to marry you! I wanted to have a kid with you one day! I can't believe I almost fucking married a junkie and a goddamn thief!" His words cut me deeply like a razor and I covered my face with my hands starting to sob.

"Oh my god, Noah. I'm so sorry." I wept,  feeling so terrible for lying to him and, most of all, feeling absolutely worthless.

"Save your fake ass tears, Eve! You're nothing but a fucking liar! I'm so done with you! I don't ever want to see you again!"

"Baby please," I sobbed, "I have a problem, okay? I wanted to tell you, I swear-"

He laughed curtly and I cringed knowing he was beyond angry with me.

"Oh sure and when the hell was that gonna be? At the fucking altar?" He scoffed. "You think I'm an idiot?! In case you've forgotten, I've done this shit before. Honestly, did you really think I wouldn't notice?!" I shook my head still crying. That wasn't the case at all, but I felt it was better to just keep quiet.

"I knew it for months but I didn't want to believe it because I fucking LOVE you!" He ran his fingers through his hair, his cheeks red with fury.

"No I didn't think any of that Noah!" I cried, "I just didn't know how to tell you..." I sniffled. He shook his head and looked at the floor in disbelief.

"So I was right...you were taking pills this whole time weren't you..."

"Yes." I squeaked so ashamed of myself.

"Where the fuck were you getting them..."

I looked up and glanced at Folio and he just looked back at me sympathetically hoping I would just come clean. I looked back at Noah and instantly looked back to the floor not able to handle his fiery, stern stare.

Like A Villain - I Love Noah Sebastian-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin