Chapter 20

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Andrew's POV

Andrew was still thinking about how Anne let him put his arm around her, and how she placed her head against his shoulder. His heart soared. He was too afraid to move so he didn't scare her. The hug didn't last long, but it gave him hope that she was beginning to trust him.

They mounted their horses and set out for Dawnridge, riding slower than before now that they knew that Arthur's men were ahead of them. Now that they were riding slower, they were able to talk more easily. Anne asked him questions about his family and childhood, while she told him about hers.

He'd never heard her talk so much, but he liked it. 

After two hours of talking, they rode in silence. Andrew was listening for Arthur's and his men. They rode the whole day, only stopping to give the horses a break and some water, and to apply the ointment to Andrew's chest and arm. Each time they stopped, she smiled at him more and just seemed... less guarded. 

Soon, they mounted their horses again and started back down the road. Unfortunately, the clouds were growing dark and the wind was picking up.

A storm was coming. 

Anne's POV

Anne hated storms. The lightning, the thunder, the wind, the cold rain. She hated all of it. Soon, their horses were trudging through the thick mud. 

They haven't encountered anyone on the road for hours when they saw a man traveling towards them riding on a horse. 

Andrew called the man, practically shouting to be heard over the wind and rain. "Can you tell us if the road to Blossomville is near?"

He must've been thinking of waiting out the storm at his brother's castle in Blossomville.

"Straight down this road, but turn left when you get to the fork besides the large tree with a broken branch."

"Large tree with a broken branch?"

"It's about a mile from here. Don't worry, you'll see it."

"How far is Blossomville from there?"

"About two miles."

"Thank you."

After they passed the man, Anne asked, "Will we spend the night at your brother's house?"


As they continued down the road, she prayed that the children were safe in the homes the women provided for them, hidden from Arthur. Although, it did seem likely he followed them there. There were a lot of people who saw them traveling on the road. Arthur had definitely heard about it by now. 

Lightning flashed ahead, showing that there was a broken tree and the fork in the road that would lead to Blossomville up ahead. Two more miles.

More lightning flashed as they rode the rest of the way to Blossomville. The rain continued to pour down, and soon, the castle was ahead of them at the top of a hill.

Blossomville Castle was taller than she expected. At the door, they were met by a guard and a middle-aged woman who gave them a quizzical look. 

Andrew dismounted and stepped forward. "I'm Lord James's brother, Andrew, and this is Anne Evans. Is my brother and his wife home?"

"They are not home at the moment. But you are welcome to at Blossomville Castle. Please, come in." She and the guard stepped back, letting them in.

"We would like to stay the night."

Hearts AllignedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora