Chapter 27

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Andrew's POV

Andrew watched as Anne smiled at Charles and stepped towards him, rather than flinching away as she had done with Andrew. 

Didn't she say Charles was going to marry someone else?

He listened to the conversation about who should be dismissed from the guard, or at least not allowed to guard Arthur in jail, but Andrew didn't really have anything to say. He didn't know the guards like Anne and Charles did. 

Later, during dinner, Andrew sat besides Anne. When he had a chance, he said, "Charles seems like he's a good man. When is he getting married again?"

"Oh, apparently he's not getting married after all. It's so sad, but he caught his fiance with another man. I can't imagine any woman doing that to someone as kind as Charles."

"Oh, that's horrible." Andrew's heart sank. Did she like this Charles enough to marry him? She definitely trusted him.

For the rest of the dinner, Anne and Andrew talked and laughed and teased each other, but he was always aware that they weren't alone, even though no one was paying attention to them.

Anne's POV

"Your father is not the Duke I imagined he would be," Anne said.

"Are you disappointed?"

"No. He's humble, kind and determined to do what's right and fair."

"You must be surprised I'm his son."

"Why? No, you're the kind of son I would expect Duke Ben to have."


"Yes. You're kind, brave, and protective. You don't back away from rescuing a bunch of children from a dangerous man who wants  to kill them and you."

"You think I'm kind and brave... and all those other things?"

"Maybe I shouldn't have said all those things. Your pride might grow too big, you're head will explode."'

"You know, sometimes I can't tell if your joking or not."

She smiled and leaned closer. "Someone has to tease you. A bit of your own medicine, right?"

Standing so close to him, his lips looked so inviting. Would she, should she, ever kiss them again. No. If he wanted to kiss her, he would. She wouldn't throw herself at him. She leaned away from him.

"If you would excuse me, I'm going to bed. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Good night, then, Anne."

When she was upstairs, she knocked on Mother's bedroom door. "It's Anne."

Mother opened the door and smiled. "Come in."

"I just wanted to see how you were doing. Are you okay?"

"Of course I am."

"But are you sad about Arthur? I was afraid you wouldn't believe all the things we told you he did."

"Oh, I believe them. I'm sad about the children being taken away and mistreated. It's horrible and I'm ashamed I never tried to speak out against him."

"I was afraid you still loved him and I didn't want you to have your heart broke again."

"Don't worry. The truth is, I've known he wasn't a good man. In fact, I'm so happy I don't have to live with him. We're free, Anne, and I'm ashamed I stayed with him for so long."

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