Chapter 11

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Andrew's POV

Andrew lay awake. There was a guard standing by the door, and it was really hard to fall asleep knowing there was someone watching you. 

Arthur knew they had the map, and he probably suspected they'd been in the mine and saw the missing children. 

Andrew turned his head to look at the guard, who stayed unmoving with his back against the door. Was Anne also being guarded? Andrew would kill that guard if he put one finger on her. He wanted to kill him just for being in her room. 

And Arthur... No wonder Anne was so defensive and wary about trusting him. She'd probably survived a lot of abuse from the loudmouth mayor with the fake laugh. 

What would Father do when he found out the man he put in charge of Pinecrest was actually a wicked person. 

He and Andrew had to escape. But how?

Andrew pretended to fall asleep by making his breathing even. After half an hour, Andrew reached for the dagger that was strapped to his thigh.

He knew the guard had a sword, but he faced death before in battles.

As silently as possible, he turned onto his side and opened his eyes just enough to see the guard in the candelight. His eyes were closed, and it looked like he was asleep against the door.

Andrew clutched the dagger tightly. He didn't have a choice. He had to kill him. It was either kill or be killed. 

He jumped to his feet and lunged at the guard.

Anne's POV

Anne pretended to be asleep.

A heavy feeling of sadness filled her body. It revealed how much she had hoped killing the beast would lead to her freedom. But now that she knew the children were still alive, their freedom was way more important than hers. 

Suddenly, she heard a loud crash from Andrew's room.

Her guard opened the door. When he did, Andrew ran in, slamming into him. 

Anne snatched her knife that she hid under her pillow. She jumped up and ran to the guard. She was aiming for the guard's neck when another guard came through the doorway and knocked her down. 

Anne struggled with the guard. 

She slammed a fist into his face. He slapped her, and her vision went dark for a moment.

Suddenly, the man was knocked to the side and Andrew was standing over her. He grabbed her by the arms and hauled her to her feet. 

Just then, more guards ran into the room. Andrew turned and slammed his fist in a guard's throat. The man went down, clutching his neck and gagging. 

Andrew's fist hit another guard in his face. Then two guards leapt on Andrew, holding his arms while a third guard punched him hard in the stomach. 

Another guard grabbed her by the arms. 

"What is going on?"

Arthur was standing in the doorway. Anne threw all her body weight away from the guard, trying to free herself, but he only tightened his grip on her arms. She watched as a guard slammed his fist into Andrew's stomach again, then punched the side of his face.

Another guard came up behind Arthur. "Chase is dead."


"He's in Lord Andrew's room. His throat is cut."

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