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    I woke up the next in such a good mood. I did all of my daily morning tasks and even made myself pancakes for breakfast.
I don't think I've eaten pancakes since I was a child. Anyways I was kind of excited to see Aurora today if you couldn't tell.

I was dreaming of her alllll night long. Maybe a little too much, if yk what I mean!?!!!?!

I mean did that kiss on my cheek even mean anything? Maybe she kisses all her friends?! Maybe I should be her friend then I could get more kisses.
I thought as I was eating breakfast.

I cleaned up the dishes and ran to get my camera. I could never go anywhere w/o my camera. I can't imagine a world w/o it. I genuinely don't understand how some people don't have one?!


I decided to go the same route I took on the first day of school.

Maybe I'll see her again, hopefully.

As I walked past the cafe I first ever saw Aurora at, I peek through the window.

Just like the first time, I see her sitting there. At the table facing the window. Looking like her perfect majestic self.

As I was going to walk away, I see some woman approaching her table. But it's not a cafe worker this time. Can't be. The woman is dressed in regular clothes so who is she?

I snap a picture of them together as the woman starts smiling at my Aurora. I stared down at the picture then I look up and see right on time as Aurora places a kiss on the unknown woman cheeks.

Damn, she really must do this to all her friends. I know I've only known Aurora for a couple of days but damn am I really that stupid for thinking we could be something.

Maybe I should've focused on girls when I was in high school then maybe I wouldn't be a hopeless romantic in college now. I think as I start running with tears forming in my eyes.


I'm gonna leave the chapter here but Heyy guys if u like my story PLS leave a like on it😭 and u can comment if u want. I'm not rude☝🏽

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